Chapter 10

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Bella's P.O.V
Today is some kind of function at our school. I need to be on duty as I'm the prefect of our school. I'll spend most if my time with Meg as she is the head girl and we'll be together.
I literally wanna talk to Niall and Liam but somehow I can't. Its like I'm not able to..

I'll try to talk to Harry about it.

"Hey!" I said.
"Hi" harry responded.
" Look, I know you hate me but we need to talk about this. Lisa is really Nice and I think you should think about it." I said.
He looked amused. Then he said " I don't hate you you're a part of our group now so I think I can make an exception. As for Lisa I don't think it is fine with me. I mean after such big fights in the previous years you want me to accept this?"

"Ah! I know its idiotic but-"
" I don't want to talk about this."
And he walked away.

Meg's P.O.V
"Hey Bells!" I whispered as I went and stood next to her. The program has started but we aren't interested so we are gonna spend most of our time talking.

" Hiii.." She replied.

" So is everything fine with you and Lisa now? She told me about the Sofia and Harry matter as well. Did Niall honesty?"

" Oh! Yeah everything is fine between us now. As for Niall in a sense he proved that he isn't trust worthy so I think I'll try to stay away from him." She replied.

"Aww... Bells if you ever wanna talk I'm here for you." I said.

"Yeah I know babe! Oh! The last dance has started. Let's watch it and then we have to go for our duties."


We both waved our byes to each other after the program and went for our duties.

Bella's P.O.V
Its time for lunch now so I go and sit with Lisa.

"Hey bells! I wanna show you something but you need to promise me something that you won't say a single word about it to anyone." She said while taking out a diary it looked similar to mine. I write a diary sometime about my feelings.

"Sure.. You know you can trust me with this." I responded.

"Okay! So this is my daily diary and I write everything in it. You wanna read it?"

"Yeah I'd love to and you know what? Even I write a diary."

She handed the diary to me and I started reading. It was the 7th page about me.

Bells is acting really really weird around me. She kind of ignores me and hangs out with those two jerks. Niall and Liam. I hate those guys. It feels that they have taken my Bestie away from me. Is this jealousy? Bells thinks that I don't care for her and I care for Sofia more... But it isn't true doesn't she know she matters so much in my life. U know what?


I literally had tears in my eyes after reading this. She honestly thought so much about me? And I thought Sofia mattered more in her life. I instantly hugged her an then turned to the next page.
The next page had....

"I LOVE YOU HARRY" written hundred times.

"You really are mad about him huh?" I asked.

"Yeah!" She said while blushing hard.

"Awww... Someone's blushing." I said.

"Shut up!" She stood up to go but I stopped her.

"I need to tell you something as well." I said.
So she sat down and i told her everything. I told her about my this crush on Niall and how it all started and stuff.

"Oh my god! Bells Niall really is cute but then why did you fight with him? Go and talk to him. He cares for you Sooo much and you.." She scolded me.

"But he-"

"No buts go talk to him.." She said cutting me in between.

"Ok. But what should I say?" I ask my this love expert friend.

"Go ask him for a pencil and then start a conversation." She advised me.

So I stand up and go to him...

A/N: Heyyy!!! How's it Sooo far? Are you liking it? I know this kind of sucks but pleaseee comment * pouts*.

I love to read your comments.

This chapter is dedicated to OneDirection_and_Me as she is Amazayn and one of my best friends here on wattpad. Love you!! ❤ Also Thanks for the lovely comments! 😘

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