Chapter 23

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Bella's P.O.V
"It is done yet?" I asked the girls now getting a bit impatient.
"10 more mins bells!" Cayl said.

How can these girls take soo much time in getting me ready.

"Is there something you guys are hiding from me?" I asked.
"No why would we?" Lis asked.
"Coz you're acting weird."
"Shut up."

"You are ready babe!" Meg exclaimed.
"Omigod! This is fabulous." is all I say I mean I couldn't even tell it was me.

"Bells stay here so we're gonna get ready."

I nodded.

One after another all of them started coming out and they looked pretty as hell Cayl had her hair open and was wearing a red long gown. Meg was wearing a white gown and Lisa was wearing a black dress. When the guys see them. They're gonna be speechless. I wonder who this mysterious guy is.

"Girls its time. Let's go!" Cayl yelled.
"Coming!" we all replied as Cayl ran and hopped into the car. She seemed soo exited.

Niall's P.O.V
"What is gonna be her reaction? Will she say yes? I am scared? Liam Bella won't get angry right?" I started rambling.
"Niall don't be nervous they'll be here any minute now." Harry whispered/yelled at me.

"There they are!" Lou said.

All the girls looked awesome but I couldn't see Bella. I saw all the girls coming towards us.

"Where is Bella?" I asked.

"Have patience Romeo Boy. Go do an announcement at the DJ. Gather everyone and we'll bring your girl." Meg said. I hear her mutter something like gods boys are soo clueless!

I just nodded and went towards the DJ.

I took the mike and started to say:
"Hey guys! Look I need to Propose Bella and I had this plan----" so I explain them the whole thing.

"We're ready bro! I hope she says yes!!!" A random guy from the crowd exclaimed.

"Thanks bro!"

"We'll go get her. Get ready close the lights." Lisa said as she and the other girls went.

Bella's P.O.V
"Why did it take soo much time to spot the guys? You said you guys don't want my dress to get spoilt so I waited here." I said.

"Come on don't be such a bitch." Meg said.

They all helped me up and we all went inside it was all dark.

"Why is there no light?" I asked.

"Come on." I heard CaYl say.
She held my hand and took me somewhere it looked like the dance floor.

And suddenly the lights were on and I saw everyone standing in circle around me and in front of me there was...."Niall??" I said shocked as he was on his knees with a ring in his hands.

"Bella? Its been me the whole time the gifts, the notes and I did all this only for you babe. I like you from a lot of time in fact since we became friends. I spent lovely time with you. I broke your heart a few times as well and I don't know if you're ready to forgive me but I wanna say I love You and will you be my girlfriend?" Niall said.

"I...I..I" I was speechless. I never expected it to be Niall. I never thought that he'll fall for me.

"I love you too Niall and I'm ready to be your gf!" I said as I hugged him tightly and I saw that everyone started clapping.

"I love you bells ❤!" He said as everyone jumped on the dance floor and started dancing.

I tell you this was my best day ever. I hope we stay together forever.

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