Chapter 13

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Bella's P.O.V
"Are you ready hun? My mum asked as I came out of my room.

"Yeah! Let's do this. I'm gonna clear it." I replied with a smile on my face.

"Good. But don't get overconfident." My father said as we all walked outside and sat in the car.

We all wished that both me and my younger brother clear this exam. I don't want to clear it though. I don't wanna leave my friends but I need to so this for my parents.

I put on my earphones as my father started the car.

We were on our way when I slowly started to drift off to sleep.

"We're here love!" My mum said.

"Okay but mum dad I'm nervous!" I said.

"Me too!" My dad said as we both burst into laughter.

*We enter the school*

"Mum! Its huge"I whisper to her.
"You're gonna get used to it." She said.

"We are Here for the admission of Bella And Ron Chase." My mum said to the teacher. As she looked at us I gave her I smile and wished her.

She seemed quite nice and friendly. I wish all the teachers here are that way.

She told me to follow her as we reached the library she gave me the papers and said " You can take as much time as you want. No need to hurry. If you need any help just ask me. Now good luck! I hope you clear it!"

I thanked her as she went away.

The paper went like.

English: 25

It was very easy except for MATHS. My worst enemy but somehow I managed to do it. I completed the test in 2 hours.

"Excuse me mam? I'm done with the exam." I said as I went to her. My mother came running towards me and hugged me.

"Mam? I'll call you in an hour to give the results." The teacher said.

"Okay! Thank you." My dad replied.

In the car I asked my mother how did my brother's test go. She said it was amazing.

"Can we go somewhere to eat? I'm feeling damn hungry." I said.

"Okay!" My dad said.

We went to an restaurant and had our food. As we finished it we got a call from the school. I had my fingers crossed as my mother answered it.

My mother did not say anything and motioned us to go and sit in the car. My heart was racing hard. I knew something was going on I just couldn't figure out it was good or bad.

"Bella? Both of you got the admission!" My mother exclaimed.

"Omg! Yesssss!"I said as I started crying.

"Congratulations love!" She said.

The ride was really long. I was really happy as well as sad because of this.

As I reach home I go and lay down on my bed without changing my clothes.

Tomorrow I'm gonna have a really difficult day telling the guys about it.

A/N: This was kind of a filler. I have exams but I still updated right?

What do you think will be her friend's reactions?

There is a big surprise in the next chapter. But gonna update it after 18th march. Sorry!

Dedicated to MyUsernameIsAmaZAYN for the Awesome cover! Thank you Sooo much

Any wishes for the P.O.V?

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