Chapter 15

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Liam's P.O.V

Today is my last day with Bells, Niall and Harry. After today the break will start then we'll have Christmas, new year etc. That's a lot coming up so well be letting on 10th of Jan.

"Get ready Liam! Its time for school." My mum shouted from the kitchen.

"I'll be out in a few minutes mum." I replied to her.

"Hey guys!" I said as I reached my class.

"Hii" only bells replied to me and no one else did so I went and sat with Her.
I don't think I have feelings for her anymore. She seems to like someone else. I know she doesn't like Austin. I'm her best friend after all. But I kinda feel jealous when she keeps on clinging to Niall I mean I've been her friend for a lot longer than niall.

"Liam? These guys have been acting really weird. Niall's just talking to Lisa and Harry from the morning. I tried to ask niall the matter but he isn't telling me. I never thought Niall is gonna keep secrets from us." She said with a sad expression.
"Yeah. See even meg is standing there. Why are they only hiding this from us? Huh?" I replied.
"Dunno!" She said as Lisa came running towards us and hugged Bella.

Bella's P.O.V
This is not good man. I mean Why on earth is Niall behaving this way. Liam also thinks the same.

Suddenly Lisa comes and Hugs me.
"Oh Lis what is it?" I asked.

"I can't tell you Bells but I seriously want to."

"Okai" is all can say I mean they all are just behaving as if me and Liam aren't a part of their group and then forget about Lou.

"Everyone Please go to your respective green rooms. Its time for the practices to begin." Our class teacher comes and tells us.

Both me and Lisa always go to our rooms together. So in the way I asked her what was it all about.

"Look Bells I'm trusting you with this so please don't tell Harry or Niall that you know about it. Okay?"


"Harry said he likes me and he is gonna propose me after the lunch break."

"Holy mother of god!" I exclaimed.

"Pls don't tell Niall or Harry! Act that you really wanna know about it and maybe then Niall might tell you." She said.

"But why would Niall keep such a Thing from me and Liam. We always tell each other everything." I asked.

"Its all Harry said."

We went to our practices after that.

At the time of recess.

"What the hell do you think of yourself huh Niall? Now you're gonna keep secrets from us?" I asked him while he just looked at me with anger.

"Niall why are you behaving this way? Its fells like you are chucking me, Bella and Louis out!" Liam said to him.

" Both of you only! Coz you know what I told everything to Lou." Niall yelled at us.

"Oh! But why?" I managed to say. I could feel my tears forming in my eyes.

"Because I don't think that its important for me to tell every damn freaking thing to you guys." He yelled at us again.

This time I couldn't stop my tears.

"Go to hell you bastard!" I screamed as I ran towards the ground.

Liam and Lisa came after me.

"Umm.. Lisa I think Liam should also know now and then we'll teach Niall a lesson about his attitude problem."I said wiping my tears..
She agreed so we told everything to him. He was quite as shocked as I was.

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