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The freshly made bread that came out of the oven smelled heavenly that my stomach was caught grumbling in response. Due to that, the man who grabbed his blue mittens and pulled another tray of bread out of the oven smiled at me as I sat by the high, white stool and continued observing what he was doing.

"See that, Sarang? That's how you do it. And the smell..." The man put down the hot tray and snatched a piece of bread from it and sniffed it. "It smells heavenly. Here, have one."

He grabbed a plate nearby and put a piece of bread on top. After he did, he pushed it towards me on the white, marbled table and waited for me to eat it. Since it was still piping hot, I blew it with all my energy, eager to eat it. My stomach was rumbling like a thunder in a thunderstorm. After taking a bite, felt like fireworks were exploding in my head and mouth.

"Wah! It tastes really good!" I said, holding up other hand up to touch my lower lip. The flavour lingered around in my mouth and the more you chew the bread, the more flavorful it becomes. "It came out perfect once again, appa."

Dad was all smiles when he heard my praise. He began packing up the bread into transparent, plastic containers. "Of course it'll taste the best. I wouldn't be a baker if it didn't."

"You're right, appa. Can you make me some of those red velvet cupcakes? They just taste so good!" I said, eating up the remaining bits of the bread Dad made. "What is your secret, o'master?"

"High quality ingredients, skills and tons and tons ofㅡ"


"I was going to say decorative items but, yeah, love works too," said Dad as he decided to start cleaning up. He handed me a piece of bread that was nicely put into the plastic bag. "Here, go give this to your mom."

I took it from his hands and smiled. "Nae, appa. What about you? Aren't you going to follow me home?"

"I have to stay in the bakery to do some paper works and check on the ingredients stock, pastry popularity and see how's everything doing. I also need to work on promotion sales for the upcoming season and work on how to attract more customers. There's also a need to sell more recipes and I could go on all day about this, Sarang. It's a lot of work," Dad explained to me, letting out a heavy sigh. "You should run back home. It's almost dark."

I looked out of the rectangular window and saw the skies slowly turning darker. The orange coloured played along well with the dark blue that was painting across the sky. "Yeah, you're right." I leaned in closer and gave Dad a kiss. "Well, I better go, appa. See you at home. Don't overwork yourself, okay? Bye!"

"Oh, bye!" Dad waved back, watching me enter the small elevator the staff usually used for when they needed to bring the freshly made bread downstairs to the bakery. Dad's bakery was three storeys highㅡthe first floor was the bakery that was crowded with customers purchasing Dad's delicious delicacies. The second floor was the bakery which the breads and other recipes were being made. Dad's office and little bakery area was on the third, where I just left a moment ago.

I love coming by to Dad's bakery. The staffs are so friendly and it always smells good. The scent of bread, cupcakes and other delicacies are always roaming around the store to fill your nostrils and cause your stomach to grumble in hunger.

"Have a nice day, agasshi," the cashier greeted as I headed out the double glass door that opens when you press the button.

Outside, I could see students roaming around in some areas, probably having a late hangout before going back home to call it a night. I came back from school hours ago and went straight to the bakery afterwards.

I Think I'm In Love || SEVENTEEN FanficWhere stories live. Discover now