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There was something about yesterday that I couldn't stop thinking about. I wasn't exactly sure what, but it was there. And from what I'm feeling, it was too big for me to miss. Yet, I still was. 

Weird, huh?

"Why do you look so happy?" asked Mijoo, who suddenly appeared right next to me as I entered the school gates. Two more days. I couldn't be any more excited. 

"I do?" I felt my cheeks, squeezing them and noticing that they were feeling really warm. "I wonder why."

"Only you can know, Sarang," Mijoo told me as she swung an arm over my neck. She was a little taller than me, so she could easily do that. "Tell me. You've had the same facial expression ever since you came back and sat with us in Love + Flour yesterday."

"I have?" I pressed my hands on both my cheeks. "What expression is that?"

"I don't know. A really happy one," she told me. Then, with a grin, she asked, "Could you possibly have fallen in love with Hansol?"

"What?" I asked back, baffled. Shaking my head, I told her, "That's crazy talk! We're just friends."

"Really assuring, that is," she said in response. "Come on, tell me. Dig deep in your heart and tell me. What do you feel when you think of him?"

Without having clue what exactly was Mijoo on about, I just did as told. As I looked into my head and thought of Hansol, I had a tingly feeling spread around my body and it caused me to smile. I had no idea why, though. 

"First sign, checked." Mijoo made it sound like she was a therapist and I was in a session, currently. "Do you think about him often?"

"Why are we doing this again?" I asked her. 

"Do not question when I'm asking a question." Mijoo pressed a finger against my lips, then slowly pulled it away. "Back to my first question: do you think about him often?"

I sighed and only went along to whatever craziness Mijoo has come up with today. I pushed the front door of the school building open and tried to think about it. "Recently... yes."

Mijoo couldn't help but let out a small squeal. "I'm ticking it as positive!"

"Ticking what as positive, exactly?" Did I miss something? An obvious clue? 

Mijoo had her jaw dropped as she continued to stare at me. "You're kidding, right? You haven't noticed? Even with all the obvious signs?"

"Noticed what?" I was as clueless as ever. I finally opened the door to our classroom, after reaching it shortly. "Is it something obvious?"

"You must be blind today," Mijoo concluded as she fixed her high ponytail again. 

I slapped her arm. "No, I am not!"

"You have a nasty habit," she noticed, rubbing her arm. 

"Sorry," I muttered, sitting down on my seat. I fixed the table, noticing it was slightly crooked and brushed my hair back. "What were you on about, though? I didn't get it."

Mijoo sighed, placing her head on her hand before she began shaking it. "Oh, Sarang. Sarang, Sarang, Sarang."

"What? What? Tell me already!" I begged, holding her by the shoulders and giving her a good shake. 

"You like him," she finally told me. 

I paused, unable to process those words. What? 

"Like who?" I asked slowly, thinking that wasn't possible. 

I Think I'm In Love || SEVENTEEN FanficWhere stories live. Discover now