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The day slowly deepened until it welcomed the nighttime. As Mijoo suggested, we all went out to the veranda of the building and enjoyed the nighttime scenery as some took pictures, which then led to a silly photo shoot between Yejun and Myeong.  

I sat on one of the homey-looking chairs and stared at the pitch black skies with a few stars that weren't shinning as bright

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I sat on one of the homey-looking chairs and stared at the pitch black skies with a few stars that weren't shinning as bright. Crossing my legs, I whispered, "I'm enjoying my time here, Mom. I hope you're at peace right now. Please take care of Dad back in Seoul. Make sure he doesn't overwork, okay?"

The waves created a soothing rhythm and I almost couldn't hear the others who were laughing and simply having fun. I was in my own world, relaxing on this trip to Jeju. 

"You seem to be at peace," said a voice. 

I opened my eyes and turned to my right, where the voice seemed to be coming from. Before me was Hansol, overlooking the scenery ahead, though it was too dark to see anything clearly. "Yeah? Just enjoying my time."

"I'm glad I get to enjoy my trip with you and your friends. I don't really get along well with the students in my school," Hansol openly told me. 

I raised an eyebrow. "You don't?"

He shook his head, confirming it. "I may have grew up here, but the people there still see me as some foreigner. I'm culture-ly more Korean, but they're afraid of me speaking English out of nowhere. I have no idea why."

"That's really sad," I said in response. What was wrong with some students there in his school? He was basically Korean. His Korean was too good for a foreigner, even. 

Hansol shrugged. "I'm used to it. Autumn was all I had back then. I used to hang out with her guy friends, too. But ever since we broke it off, I barely see them around." 

"Oh," I answered, "it's okay, Hansol. At least you're friends with us, right?" 

"Yeah." He smiled. "I'm glad for that."


"They seem to be having fun," Hansol said, breaking the silence between us. He seemed to be staring at Mijoo and the others. "Do you want to join them?"

"No," I replied, shaking my head. "I'm too tired to right now. Give them their moment. All three candidates are there."

"Even Myeong hyung?" Hansol asked. 

Right. I had totally forgotten that Myeong used to have a 'thing' for Mijoo. Shivers. "Oh, wait, count him out. I don't ship him with Mijoo. He's too old."

"Just by two years," he specifically counted with a smile. "Nothing's wrong with that."

"He's legal and she's not. There. Now it makes better sense," I said back with a smile. Turning back to the group, I randomly asked, "Who do you ship her with?"

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