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I tossed and turned and finally opened my eyes slightly. The room was already bright when I did open my eyes. I stretched and looked around, noticing Mijoo wasn't in her bed. I sat up on my bed and yawned, wondering where on earth was she. 

The bathroom door suddenly clicked open and that was when Mijoo entered the bedroom, her hair still slightly dripping wet. She gave me a smile and asked, "Are you awake yet, Cheon Sarang?"

"Huh? Yes, I am," I answered, yawning again. "What time is it?"

"It's..." Mijoo sat on her bed, grabbing her phone to check the time. "...a little after eight in the morning."

"Wow, I actually woke up early," I said, getting out of bed. Looking at Mijoo, I asked her, "What are the plans for today?"

"The beach," Mijoo answered, putting her phone back on the bedside table. "After we go to the beach, we're going to follow Seungkwan to a nearby supermarket and help him buy ingredients. There are other stores nearby it, but it's not as great as Seoul's malls, just putting that out there."

I went to the closet in front of my bed and opened it, grabbing a clean pair of clothes. "It's fine. While in Jeju, it's best to enjoy the natural world!"

Mijoo lightly giggled before she said, "That's true. Go and change. We're going to the beach soon, after breakfast."

"Nae," I cutely answered before I disappeared in the bathroom. 

When I came out of the bathroom, Mijoo wasn't in the room anymore. I looked around and found the door of our room left slightly opened, which only meant that Mijoo had already left the room to probably go downstairs for breakfast. Knowing Mijoo, she'd probably search the kitchen for a few snacks before breakfast. 

I placed my used towel into the hamper located near the door of the bathroom and combed my slightly wet hair before I went downstairs as well. I closed the wooden door and walked down the hallway, making a left turn and walked down the stairs. 

Downstairs, I could see the others playing around in the small living room. There was a small TV in the living room but it was only playing the news, so no one paid close attention to what they were saying. 

Mijoo was found in the kitchen munching on a few cookies she probably found. She was alone in the kitchen and I was just about to accompany her when Wonwoo popped into the scene, standing next to her and probably making fun of her because she was eating. 

That resulted to a slap on the back of his head from Mijoo, as well as a glare. She ignored him and continued eating her cookie. Wonwoo didn't stop teasing, however and Mijoo ended up smiling in return. 

Why were these two so cute?

I stood by the stairs, staring at the two as if I was watching a drama. They were just the sweetest thing ever and I wouldn't mind just standing here the entire day. Watching them was way better than watching the news playing on the TV. 

I heard footfalls coming from upstairs and the stairs suddenly felt shaky. I looked up and saw Hansol walking down. He was wearing a sleeveless shirt which resembled a basketball jersey and shorts that were slightly above his knees. His hair was still slightly wet as well, making him look a hundred times more attractive. 

What a sight early in the morning. 

Oh, great. There goes my heart and my cheeks again. 

His head moved up—from probably staring at the stairs—and saw me. When he did, he smiled and walked down a few steps until we were on the same step. "Good morning."

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