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"Let's go one more time," Mijoo said, clearing her throat before signaling Yejun to start strumming his guitar. 

"We should take a break," Yejun suggested, pulling his guitar down before he looked at Mijoo worriedly. 

Mijoo noticed the facial expression he had and shook her head. "The mini concert is tonight, oppa. I need to practice enough so I can be assured that I would be fine. If I can't perform in front of a small crowd, I will never be able to perform in front of a bigger audience."

"I know that, Mijoo. I just don't think you should strain your voice so much. Is there a bigger problem? We can always talk about it." Yejun was already putting his guitar down so it can lean against the long legs of his high stool. 

The two were currently seated outside the veranda once again. It has ended up becoming their rehearsal area for Mijoo to finally sing in front of her friends, although she was still very nervous about it. She has managed to get used to singing in front of Yejun, but she wasn't sure about the others. She was afraid her voice would become shaky again. 

"I don't really see the problem. Am I just shy, or is there a bigger problem to why I can't sing in front of people? Maybe it would be best if I enjoy singing to myself," Mijoo said, sighing a little. 

Yejun leaned closer—and since he was taller, he didn't fall off his stool—and pinched Mijoo's cheek ever so slightly. "Stop worrying so much. You're fine. Maybe it's your mindset about how you would look like on stage. Stop thinking you'll fail. Instead, think about the big achievement by the end of the day."

Mijoo thought it over and managed to pull a smile as she eyed Yejun sweetly. "Thanks for that, oppa. I just wish I can remember all the time. Now, come on. Let's sing from the start."

Yejun smiled, nodding in agreement before he picked up the guitar to begin rehearsal again.


Wonwoo leaned against the wall, standing behind the double doors frame that led to the veranda. Even if the doors were merely made of glass, both Yejun and Mijoo didn't notice that he was standing there watching them. 

Wonwoo had been standing there ever since they started rehearsal and the only thing Wonwoo could feel was his heart slowly breaking. At some point, he even felt like crying because of the pain he's been feeling. 

What can I do? I can see it in her eyes. She obviously likes Yejun, Wonwoo thought as he tried to pull away from the door. Maybe then, he could stop hurting. But his body didn't listen. Instead, he stood firm there without moving an inch as he continued to stare at them. 

"Wonwoo? What are you doing?" Wonwoo suddenly heard a voice call out to him, startling him. 

Wonwoo turned around and found Hansol walking up to him. "Oh, Hansol. I'm not doing much. Just..."

Hansol had already stood next to him and glanced at where Wonwoo was staring before noticing the obvious. He gave him a sad smile. "Were you looking at them?"


Hansol patted his shoulder. "Don't worry, I know. It's not that hard to notice it, Wonwoo. There are times where you're being very obvious."

By now, Wonwoo's ears were burning red as he scratched the tip of his nose. "There were? I've never really noticed them..."

"I know you like her, dude." Hansol laughed before brushing his hair back. He nodded his mouth to the door, obviously indicating to the two outside. "And hyung also likes her. Now, all there's left is to know who Mijoo really likes."

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