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A new day, a new start.

Mom would always tell me that when she was still here. When I woke up, I would go and visit her in her room first and she would always tell me, "A new day means a new start, Sarang. Make sure you enjoy it."

I think, in a lot of ways, I've learned to be happy and contented with whatever I have. I may not be the most popular girl in school, but at least I have friends I can always count on. I may not be super rich and live in a mansion, but at least I have enough to live by everyday. 

I've learned that even if I don't have everything, that doesn't mean I'm not happy. Which is why, it's better to appreciate things I have rather than waste my time thinking about things I don't have. 

"Good morning, Sarang," Dad greeted as he sat down on the dinning table, eating porridge. 

"Morning, Dad!" I greeted as I went up to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "What's for breakfast?"

"There's some porridge left in the pot. If you don't want it, you can always opt for cereal or cook yourself some instant ramen," he said in return. 

I didn't want to wait so long just for instant ramen so I opted for cereal. I sat down on the dinning table with Dad after getting my cereal and smiled before digging in. 

"Was the trip fun, Sarang?" Dad asked. 

I looked up from my bowl of cereal and nodded. "Yeah! It was so fun. Dad, we should go to Jeju Island together someday!"

"We should, shouldn't we?" Dad asked in return as he chuckled. "It would have been better if your mother could go with us."

I sadly smiled. "She would have loved that. She always loved to see the sea."

"She's probably enjoying a better scenery up there, don't you think?" Dad asked, trying to cheer me up. 

I nodded, still smiling a sad smile. "She is." I looked up at the ceiling, but imagined a world past all the man-made stuff in our home and tried to find my mom's smiling face. "Mom, I hope you're at peace up there."

Dad stayed silent. I know he also shared his fair shares of tears. I know he's hidden those emotions from me just to seem strong just as well. 

I stopped looking at the ceiling to look at the wall clock instead and noticed how late it was getting. Choking a little on my milk, I quickly moved the bowl to the sink and ran to grab my bag. "Dad, I have to go now! I'll see you later after school. Bye!"

"Do you want me to drive you?" Dad asked loud enough for me to hear from the front door. 

"No thanks! I can do well on my own!" I shouted back whilst slipping on my shoes. "Bye, Dad!"

"Oh, okay! Bye! Have fun at school, Sarang!" he shouted back right before I closed the door and began running. 

I quickly took off and enjoyed a little morning jog to school. A few of our neighbors were also awake and so I greeted them. 

Shortly, I had already arrived in my school and greeted a few people I was acquainted with. I didn't see Mijoo or Wonwoo, so I just proceeded to my classroom. I sat there quietly and since it was still early in the morning, I slipped my phone out and played with it. 

A message popped up in my notification all of a sudden and it was from Mijoo. Tilting my head to the side, I tapped on it to read the message. 

Mijoo: yah, today's going to be the best day of your life! anticipate it! there's going to be an amazing surprise hehe ;) 

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