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There were four more days until the talent show. I was getting myself busy with practices that would extend until the dead mornings of the next day. My body would ache and I would feel tired at school because of the lack of sleep but I wanted to show everybody that I was willing to work hard so I wouldn't show them a dance that needed more work. 

Hansol once told me—because he noticed how tired I looked in school—not to overwork myself because it wouldn't be healthy for me. He said it with so much worry and concern that it made my mind wonder again. Was he slowly showing back signs or did I imagine them again?

You know, the thing about crushes is that even if you know that was the truth—the happily ever after to it all—you just can't accept it. Because, if you did, you're scared that it might have been a lie and you've just given yourself the biggest false hopes that you're left nothing but broken.

Shaking my head, I concentrated on the music playing and let the beat take over my body. It didn't matter if I was blasting loud music at ten at night; nobody was home anyway. Dad was going to pull an all-nighter tonight so I was left at home alone.

Maybe it'd be nice if I called Mijoo over for a sleepover. But it was too late for that now. She would be asleep by now. Knowing that she's an early sleeper, she would be knocked dead right now and wouldn't even hear the vibration of her phone.

The music continued to play and I let all other thoughts melt away from my head. I continued to dance to the beat, gracefully perfecting all the moves. 


Wonwoo stayed up again. Ever since the kiss he got from Mijoo from two days ago, he couldn't sleep properly. Only because whenever he tried to sleep, the image of him and Mijoo locking lips alone in the music room during the late hours of after school continued to replay in his mind and Wonwoo was convinced he would die from a heart explosion. 

He sat in the pitch darkness of his room on his bed with cross legs and touched his lips, smiling like an idiot once again. He continued to replay what Mijoo had said that day.

"Um, sorry..."

"Mijoo, did you just—"

"Yeah, um, I don't know what took over me. But that's my answer to your confession, in case you're wondering."

Wonwoo rolled around his bed like a kid who finally had his own bed after sharing it with his older brother for years. Wonwoo was tempted to scream in happiness but he reprimanded himself from waking up his family members. But he was still glad. His crush—now girlfriend—liked him back. 

Wonwoo was bursting in joy. He was so scared before, now it was as if all those fears of his never existed. He thought he pushed himself into the friend zone island too much that he wouldn't be able to leave from it. What he didn't know was that someone was already pulling him out of that island and that was Mijoo herself. 

Of course, it wasn't like anything has changed. Mijoo liked a type of relationship that resembled best friends just being close to each other. Of course, there were a few changes made such as Wonwoo finally being able to hold her in his arms without wondering if she'd find it weird or if he was being too obvious. 

Sarang hadn't found out about their relationship yet. Mijoo was too scared to tell her. Wonwoo understood why. She was always the type to keep her relationships a low profile. 

But tomorrow at school, both of them would tell Sarang. Wonwoo wanted to tell at least Hansol because they've been real close lately. Ever since the trip to Jeju, both boys felt like they were more than just friends. They were like brothers.

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