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I took Mom to the hospital. Since Dad was busy with work, he wasn't able to accompany her to the hospital. Which was why I was the one left to do the job. I didn't mind anyway. I enjoyed the times I spent with Mom alone. 

I linked arms with Mom and brought her inside the hospital. It was quite busy with nurses running around here and there and doctors following after them. I made sure Mom didn't bump into any of them by accident as we tried to get to where we were supposed to go.

We took a seat by the seats and I could feel my phone vibrate like crazy. Sang Hyuk was starting with his unreasonable nonsense again. Also, he was starting to get clingy. I guess it was understandable since he was emotional and was going through something painful. In both meanings. 

"I'm sorry you had to bring me here, Sarang," Mom apologized. 

I turned my attention to her and immediately shook my head. "Mom, don't be sorry! I'm happy enough to bring you. Since Dad couldn't do it, it's my responsibility to do so."

Mom gave me a smile. "I sure am lucky to have a daughter like you, aren't I?"

"Only the best for a great mom like you." I gave her a hug then heard the speaker call Mom's name. I immediately got up and helped Mom as well. Then, the both of us proceeded to Room 7.

The doctor started doing tests on Mom and I only stood by the sides, hoping she didn't gain any other side effects that will cause her more pain. I didn't want Mom to keep suffering on her own. I couldn't even help her. I can only watch as she deals with it on her own. 

But Mom's strong. I know she is. 

The doctor seemed to be done with the tests and sat back in his swivel chair before moving on to his computer on his desk. He clicked a few things and after a while, he said, "Well, nothing seems to be very wrong. However, your immune system seems to be rather weak these days."

Hearing that, I started to get alarmed. Nothing bad will happen... right? But that will mean Mom will get flues more easily these days if she had a weak immune system. 

"Don't be so alarmed," the doctor said, mostly to me before lightly chuckling. "To boost your immune system, try giving your mom these food. List it down."

I quickly pulled out my phone and got ready to type it in my notes. 

The doctor turned his attention to his computer then began saying, "Yogurt, oats and barley, garlic, shellfish, chicken soup, tea, beef, sweet potatoes and mushrooms. These will help boost your mother's immune system. I will also prescribe medicine for her to take, just in case."

"Nothing else is wrong?" I asked. 

The doctor looked at me and smiled, shaking his head. "No, your mother's fine. You can go get the medicine now. Have a nice day."

I couldn't help but sigh in relief at the news. I held onto Mom and the both of us left the room, heading to where we had to pick up our medicine. 

"Mushroom, he said?" Mom suddenly asked me. 

"Hmm? What mushroom?" I asked her, confused. 

She patted her stomach. "For my immune system. He said mushroom, didn't he?"

"Wait, let me check..." I pulled out my phone to check the notes. "Yup, there's mushroom. Are you craving that right now? Do you want to eat a dish with mushroom?"

Mom looked like she wanted to say yes, but shook her head instead. "I just want yogurt now. Do we still have yogurt back at home? I didn't check the refrigerator today."

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