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After we had fun at the beach, Mijoo acted a little... weirdly. She didn't tell me exactly what was going on, but I knew she would tell me sooner or later. That was for sure. 

We all headed back to the pension shortly after to freshen ourselves up and get changed into more comfortable clothing. Once we did, I rested on my bed, composing a new e-mail for Dad. I had a lot to share with him, excluding all the moments I've had with Hansol. That would be kept a secret. 

"Had a lovely date with Hansol today at the beach, Sarang?" Mijoo teased as she entered the room, coming out from the bathroom. She took a seat on her bed and lied down. 

"What?" My cheeks started changing colour. Sometimes it can betray me whenever I didn't want to be obvious. 

Mijoo saw them and grinned. "Aw, look at you. Should I expect a wedding by the beach? Seems romantic, no?"

"No?" I answered back, unsure. Let's not think that far into the future, Sarang. That was obviously too far into the future. 

"I'll leave it to you, then."

Thank you. 

"Oh, by the way," Mijoo said, catching my attention again. I looked at her. "We're going to the market in a few. Seungkwan's dad is taking us and we'll be looking at a few other stores."

I looked at the wall clock hanging nearby. It was only five in the afternoon. "Oh, sure. What about dinner then?"

"Uncle will bring us to a restaurant nearby. It's owned by his good friend so we'll probably get discounts?" Mijoo suggested, shrugging before she picked up her dirty clothes and threw it into the hamper. "Let's wait downstairs."

I stood up from my bed after sending the e-mail to Dad and nodded. "Okay, I'm ready. Let's go. Are the others also following?"

"We're eating dinner outside, Sarang. Of course they will be," Mijoo told me, like it was obvious. 

"Oh." I couldn't help but feel embarrassed. If someone noticed the redness of my cheeks, I can finally tell them it isn't because of a certain boy making me feel this way, but because I was embarrassed currently. 

Downstairs was empty. Mijoo and I were the only souls wandering around aimlessly to find something good to do. Since there wasn't anything, we just sat down in the living room, talking to each other. 

Mijoo had her legs crossed on the couch located in front of the TV—like the usual. She whispered, "I'm thinking of doing it."

I looked at her. "Do what?"

"You know," she said, "the mini concert thing. Yejun oppa seems to agree too."

"He agreed?" I couldn't help but grin in response. For both response. I was happy she was thinking of finally singing in front of an audience, and also because Yejun was going to be there right by her side when it happens. 

"Yeah," Mijoo answered, scrunching her nose. "I'm honestly nervous for it. You know how I am. I'm scared and shy."

"It'll be okay, Mijoo. Yejun oppa will be there to help you," I assured her, holding her by her hands. 

The front door suddenly opened and the empty place was no more. "Ayo ladies!"

"Seungkwan," Mijoo muttered. Her back was facing the front door, but it seemed like she didn't even need to glance at the door to know who it was. 

I Think I'm In Love || SEVENTEEN FanficWhere stories live. Discover now