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"I—" Mijoo's voice, once again, cracked. She craned her neck to the side before titling it ever so slightly and picking up the water bottle placed next to leg of her stool. She drank up the water and massaged throat before she rehearsed it. 

"Should we stop? You've been struggling for the past fifteen minutes," Yejun noticed, placing the guitar lower down his thighs. 

Mijoo had made a decision early in the morning of today. She wanted to do the mini concert since she thought this would be a good chance for her to actually have. She didn't want to keep wasting her time and the opportunities that came knocking. 

Part of the reason was because she wanted to keep her mind away from the events that happened last night. She still didn't know who did it. She couldn't ask anyone, nor tell Sarang. Sarang would have squealed, shouted and made more assumptions but Mijoo didn't need any of that right now. She needed to think. 

Mijoo shook her head before she said, "I'm ready. Let's go again."

Yejun didn't start the song or strum any strings. Instead, he looked at her with a concerned face. "Is something wrong, Mijoo? You don't seem to be in your right mind."

Mijoo shook her head. "I am fine. I'm just a little tired." Her eyes were mostly in contact with Yejun's, but ever since last night's event, her eyes moved down a little until it stayed on his rosy, plump lips. Was it his? She still didn't know. "Let's go back to the first verse. From the very start."

"If you say so. But if something's really troubling you, you can always talk to me about it." Yejun pointed at the closed double doors of the veranda. "No one can hear us right now. Their rooms are all too far and I bet the waves are louder than us."

Mijoo shook her head, adamant. "It's nothing of your concern. Sorry. I just want to practice a little more before tonight's family dinner."

"Is this what it's about? The family dinner?" Yejun had already put the guitar away, an obvious move that told Mijoo he was now ready to listen and not to her singing this time, unlike the past hour. 

Mijoo didn't want to even mention about the kiss, so she just nodded her head. "Yeah... it's about that. I don't feel like going."

"Why don't you just stay then?" Yejun made it sound so simple. 

"I can't. Seungkwan's mom will drag me there if I don't walk with my own two feet. See, family, to us, is very important," Mijoo told him. She wasn't planning to. This topic was only to redirect her thoughts away from the kiss. 

Whose lips landed on mine? Wonwoo's or Yejun's? Who took away my first kiss?

"If you care about the family dinner... why don't you want to go?" Yejun's face switched from his usual lovable smiley face to a confused one. Mijoo noticed the way his eyebrows furrowed cutely. 

"A past event and a certain someone. I don't really want to talk about it," Mijoo said hastily. She would be seeing his face after some time anyway. Much to Mijoo's dismay, of course. 

Even if Mijoo wanted to turn back time, she couldn't. Nor would she want to. Whatever relation she had with Soonyoung—may it be close or not—she didn't care anymore. 

"Oh, it's okay." Yejun showed her an understanding smile. "Would you like if I played you something? You look like you need something relaxing."

Mijoo managed to smile before her mind crossed with the kiss event once again. Could it have been him? She knew that she and Yejun were close and that they talked every now and then but if he were to kiss her out of nowhere, could he really mean it?

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