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It's been a week since the conversation I had with Mijoo. The conversation about letting time decide. Also four days until my monthsary with Sang Hyuk, to my dismay. I had to think of something soon enough. 

If there was one thing I hated dealing with the most, it had to be this relationship currently. Or maybe it wasn't the relationship. Maybe it was just the person who I was dating who made it feel rather uncomfortable. Or hard to deal with. 


 I glanced again at Sang Hyuk, who has been ignoring me for the past three days. I mean, give me a break. I really couldn't deal with him. One moment, he was clingy and the next, he was ignoring me as if I never existed in the first place. Way to go, Sang Hyuk. 

I really wanted to end things with him, but I couldn't find myself doing it. You know the guilty feeling that will linger until a very long time? Yeah, that was going to be a problem. 

I took out my notebook used for notes that I know I'll never take down and stared at the blank page before me. Then, I grabbed a pen and began scribbling forcefully in frustrating. My grip on the pen was starting to get intense and I was getting closer to breaking a pen for no apparent reason in the middle of class. Oh, wait, there was a reason. And he was ignoring right now.

Mijoo noticed this and asked out of concern, "Should I buy you a stress reliever item some day? I think you'll need it."

As frustrated and stressed I was over the situation, I found myself laughing a little. Looking at Mijoo, I said, "Thanks for that."

"For what? Staring at you?" Mijoo said jokingly. 

"Maybe," I played along once again. "I think I've finally came to a decision."

"About what?" It took Mijoo seconds to finally understand what I was on about. "Oh. Oh. I see. So... are you going to talk to him later during break?"

"That's my plan." I took in a mouthful of breaths. Okay, I wasn't ready. I wasn't even sure what to say. I guess I'll have to say sorry then... bam! I'll finally tell him. 

"Oh, okay. Good luck," were the last words I heard Mijoo say to me before I drowned into my thoughts and possible words I will be telling him. 

The moment that break bell rang, I got up from my seat. And before Sang Hyuk would disappear into the running track field, I grabbed onto his wrist and brought him to the place we frequented lately—the deserted third floor. 

"What's this about?" Sang Hyuk asked, sounding uninterested. 

Wow. He even sound uninterested in me. Not like it really mattered because after what I've been training myself to say—with endless practices in front of a mirror like some insane person—he wouldn't be so uninterested anymore.

With a mouthful of air, I finally began, "Sang Hyuk, I think this is wrong. I think we're wrong."

It was honestly really pathetic to see Sang Hyuk keep up the act of looking uninterested when I saw his eyes flash with surprise for a quick second. "What? Are you saying you want to break up? Is that it? You don't love me anymore? End of story?"

I tried to stay strong, even if I could feel every single one of those guilty strings being pulled inside of me. "Look, I did love you. For nearly a month, you were the only one. But seeing as things have taken a turn like this, I really can't take any more of this. It's an emotional ride, and I'm not getting on that train."

I Think I'm In Love || SEVENTEEN FanficWhere stories live. Discover now