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Unknown: hey

Unknown: how are you?

No, Mijoo thought as she eyed the message with widened eyes. It couldn't be...

No matter how much she tried convincing herself this wasn't possible and it couldn't be happening, she couldn't ignore the fact that his number has been memorized in every corner of her brain—like she foolishly trained herself to. There was no mistaking this was his number, and that he had just texted her.

Mijoo wasn't sure whether to reply or not. She thought about it and had her fingers hovering above the keyboard but immediately slipped them back down, unsure about her decision. 

Maybe the past should stay the past, she thought, thinking over her decision. Maybe I should leave it as it was before. Soonyoung ruined most of what happened, so there was no point trying now. Done. Over. Gone. Finished. 

But Mijoo also knew her heart. No matter how much she would convince herself that it was all over, her heart made it hard to be believable. It was still beating. Not as crazily as before, but it was still beating. Beating for him.

She honestly hated herself for still thinking of him from time to time even if it's been two years since the incident. Not sure with her own decision, Mijoo locked her phone and put it back on the bedside table. She would talk it over with Sarang. Maybe she'd be able to decipher what he was trying to do. And maybe even find out whether or not to let go of that old story—she should've done long time ago.


Life has been good to me these days. I've been happier compared with the days with... bleh, I don't even want to talk or think about him. But in conclusion, I can actually say that life's been better. 

Unless you have a friend named Mijoo pulling you into a tight hug before releasing you again to give you a good, firm shake by holding you by the shoulders and repeating the words, "What am I supposed to do?" 

Yup. Life could get better. 

"What's wrong?" I asked her, trying to calm her down in between her flip of random episodes. 

She mumbled words I couldn't understand nor made any sense. Instead of throwing her arms over me this time, she finally decided to link our arms together and rest on my shoulder. "I just don't know what to do."

"Neither do I, if you don't explain yourself," I told her, trying to loosen her grip on my arm. It was starting to lose blood circulation. Hello, is no one concerned about that? Mijoo should take it easy.

Mijoo started pulling me into the classroom and forced me to take a seat on my seat while she took a seat on hers. After a while, she looked into my eyes and told me in a whisper, "He texted me."

"He? Who's he? There's a lot of he's. Unless..." My lips curled into a grin. There must be one reason Mijoo was acting this way and the only reason could be... "...Yejun? He texted you?"

Mijoo reacted by gasping loudly and smacking me on the shoulder in an instant. "No! Gosh, not him. The other him."

The strong emphasized him. I knew in an instant who she was talking about. "No way... After two years... How did it happen?"

"I don't know, either," Mijoo answered, sounding lost. "I just remember that I was randomly checking my phone to check for notifications then... It can't be anyone else, I'm sure of it."

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