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I looked out of my very much preferred window seat and saw the people working in the airport, well, working. They were doing what had to be done. Moving the luggage bags into the plane. Making sure the plane was fine so nothing bad happens. Everything that needed to be checked was, well, checked. 

I glanced to my side, thinking this was the most crazy sitting arrangement ever. You'd think because our tickets got booked earlier that Mijoo, Wonwoo and I would be sitting in the same row together, but that wasn't what happened, it turned out. 

I had the window seat. Hansol had the middle seat. Myeong had the seat next to the aisle. 

Someone remind me how to breathe. I was sitting right next to freaking Choi Hansol. I tried not to be obvious, but I was caught staring at Hansol's sleeping state by Myeong once or twice. I smiled it off, but I ended up doing the same thing again moments later. 

Myeong took out something from his backpack and pulled the tray table down and placed the item he pulled out on it, followed by a pen. 

What on earth was he doing?

Myeong began writing something on the notebook he had brought along and after he was done, he handed it to me. I stared at him for a few good seconds. Myeong stressed it out to me and I just took it from him, uncertain. 

There was something written on a new page: 

Do you like him???

I felt someone tapping onto my hand. When I looked up, I saw Myeong holding out a pen. I took it with slight hesitation and scribbled back words: 


I passed the notebook back to Myeong and tried to get some shut eye. Just before I did, I took one more glance at Hansol who was dead asleep with earpieces plugged into his ears and smiled to myself before I adjusted my position and tried to get comfortable. 

But there was no such thing when Myeong kept annoying me with the notebook. 


Who the heck..

Okay, I'm writing this with hopes he won't wake up but... you can read Chinese, can't you?



I squinted my eyes at Myeong's attempt to write Chinese. I could merely translate it... sort of. His handwriting was messy. 

The guy sitting next to you.

What? No I don't. 

Yes, you do. I can see it in your face. You're making it really obvious, too, by staring at his sleeping face. What? Can't take your eyes off him?

What? No! That's nonsense. Psh. 

You smile every time you look at him. What else is that suppose to mean? That you find him funny?

Maybe. Yes. 


Yes. Yes. Yes. Heh, he's funny. Watch me laugh at him. Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha. So funny. 

-_-" I'm going to show this all to him if you don't tell me. Maybe post it on my Instagram. 

@myeongsucks?? That account? 

I Think I'm In Love || SEVENTEEN FanficWhere stories live. Discover now