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Three days before school holiday. I'm excited. From what Mijoo had said, we'd be going to her aunt's pension on the first day of our school holiday. I already had all my bags packed and couldn't feel anymore excited than I already was. 

I was early to school today that even Mijoo wasn't here yet. Usually, she'd come before me or at the same time as I did but today, she still hasn't arrived. 

I must be really excited these days. I can't even sleep well due to all the excitement. I know that it's still three days away, but three days! Days can go by really quickly. Especially when excitement is traveling around in my veins. I'm just really restless. 

When Mijoo entered the class, I couldn't hold back my excitement. I raised my hand up and waved at her with my feet stomping on the ground. "Kwon Mijoo!"

Mijoo was surprised at the sound of my high pitched squealing voice and finally took a seat next to me, staring at me with amazement. "What happened to your voice?"

"My voice?" It cracked again, making it sound as if I had a sore throat. Clearing my throat, I told her with a grin, "Sorry! I'm just really excited."

"For the trip?" Mijoo asked with a laugh as she placed her school bag on the floor with it leaning against the legs of her table.

I nodded excitedly. "I have my bags packed and everything!" 

Mijoo poked the side of my head and giggled. "Is this your first time, Sarang? You seem really excited to go on this trip."

"I'm just excited," I simply answered, throwing a shrug. "Oh, Wonwoo's here. Hi, Wonwoo!"

Wonwoo walked down the aisle of the classroom to get to his seat which was on the last row of the line of tables next to us. When he passed by us, he gave both of us a smile as well as a wave. 

"You're very energetic today," Mijoo noted. 

"Not energetic, just really excited," I corrected her before I went back to grinning widely. "Why can't time tick faster? I want school to end already."

"Three more days," Mijoo reminded before she took out her pencil case from her school bag. The INFINITE black pencil case she bought from her trip to Taiwan still hasn't changed, I see. 

"What time are we supposed to meet in the airport again?" I asked Mijoo. I suddenly had the need to make sure everything was confirmed properly. 

"Nine a.m.," she answered, writing something in her notebook that Wonwoo gave her as a gift on her birthday. "We agreed to meet at the entrance of Incheon Airport, right?"

"Yup," I answered, nodding before I peered over her shoulder, curious to what she was writing in her notebook. 

Things to do when in Jeju: 

↬ Try local delicacies 

↬ Have fun in the beach with friends

↬ Sit around the campfire at night on the veranda of aunt's pension (if aunt allows us to have a campfire. If not, exclude the campfire)

↬ Explore Jeju with cousin and friends

"Oh my gosh, yes!" I said out loud all of a sudden, startling Mijoo as she was writing. 

"Don't scare me like that!" Mijoo said, putting a hand over her chest, where her heart was. "I swear, I'll get a heart attack eventually."

"Sorry," I said with an excited smile, "I got excited again."

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