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I stared outside the window, where Mijoo and Hwiyoung were talking. Oh, I said his name instead of always calling him an emphasized him. It feels better to say his name, but I can't say it's the same for all of us. 

"Things look heated," Wonwoo noted as we continued to stare outside. 

"It does..." I replied in a lower voice, digging my thumb into my pointer finger. I started to worry. Maybe I shouldn't have sent that message in the first place. Then this complication wouldn't have began. I was being selfish, only thinking about myself and wanting to find out the hidden truth. I should have been a better friend.

While most of us were looking outside to watch as Mijoo and Hwiyoung's talk started to look more intense over the seconds, a new customer entered Love + Flour, causing most of the workers in the bakery to pull back to work. 

I looked at who had just arrived and my lips stretched into a wide smile as I waved at him, hoping he'd see me. "Hansol! Choi Hansol!"

Hansol looked around the bakery and once he spotted me, he returned the smile and waved. "Hey, Sarang. I think I saw your friend outside. She's currently fighting with someone?"

I huffed a sigh as I pulled him nearer to the elevator of Love + Flour. I briefly explained what has happened and I didn't even know why I was doing that to an acquaintance. 

Hansol nodded understandably before his attention went back to the outside of the the bakery. "Wait, why's that guy going outside?"

I followed his head direction and couldn't help but grin in response. 


She stared at his face, actually both surprised and amused that he was standing right in front of her like this. Knowing him, he was usually a spectator but this time, he was actually stepping in to help her.

"Don't hug her without her permission." 

Hwiyoung scoffed as he jabs a finger into Wonwoo's chest, pushing him backwards. "And what are you going to do about it? Stop butting yourself into other people's businesses when you're clearly not welcomed in it."

Wonwoo slapped Hwiyoung's hand away and took a step closer to intimidate him with his blank face. "I'm butting in because you're crossing the lines. She said no. So stop bothering her."

"Wonwoo..." the name escaped weakly from Mijoo's lips. 

Hwiyoung roughly pushed Wonwoo back, causing him to fall two to three steps behind Mijoo. "I told you not to welcome yourself into other people's businesses. Can't understand Korean? Go back to kindergarten."

He wasn't even that great. It was starting again. Her cousin's voice and his words echoing in her head. Should she listen to him?

No, Mijoo quickly thought, inhaling a deep breath, it's my life. I should make my own judgments. I will be the one who will judge Hwiyoung and see if he really isn't that great.

So far, he was doing a good job at that part where Soonyoung called him 'wasn't that great'. But Mijoo didn't conclude it just yet. She was silently watching and judging. 

"You hurt our Mijoo. I won't make any excuses even if you were the guy she liked back then," Wonwoo said, recovering from what Hwiyoung just did. 

Hwiyoung scoffed. "This guy don't know when to give up. I told you, leave! Mijoo and I have things to discuss."

"No. You're just making things hard for her. Unfinished business? What crap are you saying?" Wonwoo asked him angrily. 

I Think I'm In Love || SEVENTEEN FanficWhere stories live. Discover now