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The moment I woke up, I felt like I've returned to a dark world, after getting out of another one. I had a dreamless sleep, yet I felt dried tears on my cheek when I woke up this morning. I must've been crying in my sleep, without me being fully aware. 

The entire morning at home, I was nothing but a moving zombie. I promised Hansol not to be like one, or even fall into some kind of depression, and I was trying my hardest right now. 

I'll keep that promise, Hansol. Trust me. 

At school, people went their ways as they usually do. Except for me, of course. I wasn't the same. Not really, at least. I was still Cheon Sarang. I just wasn't as happy as I usually was. 

"Sarang!" a voice shouted from a far distance, sounding like it was nearing with every second. Before I knew it, Mijoo had her arms around me. "I heard what happened! I'm so sorry to hear."

I paused for a quick second before I looked at her. "What do you mean? Heard what happened?"

Wonwoo slowly walked behind Mijoo with his blank face, but he didn't say anything else but "I'm so sorry to hear". What was going on?

Mijoo frowned. "Haven't you heard? Isn't that why you're so sad at the moment?"

Then it clicked. "Oh, that... I'm trying to be better. Hey, at least I came to school, right? That's a big thing. Some people don't even consider showing themselves to friends once their loved ones pass away."

Mijoo tightened her arms around me. "Oh, Sarang! Ahjumma was a nice woman. It's too bad this had to happen. I'm really sorry to hear that. But I'm glad you're handling this really well."

I half-smiled. "Thanks. Come on, let's get to classes. Oh, and Wonwoo? You're having a match today, right?"

Wonwoo nodded. "Yeah, I do. It's after school. Will you be joining Mijoo?"

"Maybe," I answered, unsure. "I'll think about it for now."

Mijoo lightly nudged me. "You should come join. Clear your head a little. I can sense you have a heavy load up there." Mijoo tapped the side of my head. "Come on. Let's all get to class now."

I lightly smiled as I followed after her to the school building and into our classroom. 

Mijoo and I settled in our seats, taking out necessary books for the later periods then I went back to blankly staring around. 

Mijoo nudged me again, just to snap me out of it. "Hey, are you sure you're okay? I know, it's probably the worst timing to ask that question but I have to make sure sometimes."

My fingers began fumbling on my thighs as I breathed in a heavy breath. "Maybe I'm not. But I'm trying to feel better and not become a living zombie. I made a promise to someone."

"Who? Your mom?" Mijoo asked. 

I shook my head. "No, not my mom. Well, actually, yes, but I made a promise to someone else too."

"Oh... then your dad?"

"Not my dad either," I answered.

Mijoo looks at me oddly. "Not your mom, not your dad, then who else could it be? Your cat?"

Mijoo managed to make me smile a bigger and not so forceful smile. "You know very well that I don't own a cat."

Mijoo let out a shrug. "I know that. But seriously though. Who did you make a promise to, if not your mom or dad? Did you meet with your other family members or something?"

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