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It was a stormy night and even if any of us had other plans—like going to the beach, for example or even the supermarket—we couldn't. 

Earlier in the morning, the six of us were gathered in front of the TV together with Mrs. Boo and Seungkwan to watch the local weather report. It was mentioned that a ferocious storm will arrive at noon and that people are advised to stay at home just to be safe. 

It will feel like a typhoon, the weather man had said, it would be better if everyone stays at home and waits for the weather to be cleared. 

Which was why the six of us were stuck in our pension, trying to find different sources of fun to kill time. The storm hadn't calmed down and it was getting more terrifying by the seconds. A clap of thunder with the clashing of lightening. It wasn't looking good. 

"Do you think it'll get any better?" Mijoo asked, sitting cross legged on her bed whilst she stared out of the window. 

Lightening stroke first before the clap of thunders rumbled the skies. 

Mijoo was startled, so was I. She ended up crawling under her blanket comfortably and safely while I deliberately placed my phone on the table, far away from me because I was convinced the electronic currents coming from the lightening might somehow intercept with my phone and give me an electric shock. I didn't want that, so as much as possible, I should stay away from it tonight. 

"I'm convinced I might die from a heart attack," Mijoo honestly said, sinking deeper into her blankets. 

"Me too," I answered in a whisper, pulling the hooded park of my jacket lower down my face. "I want to sleep this through but I think lightening will just look scarier with the lights off."

"I couldn't agree more," Mijoo said, closing her eyes and covering her ears when lightening stroke off first. 

I followed her actions and hid under my pillow. The thunder was light tonight. Not the usual thunder that were loud enough to scare you but that feeling surpasses after a few seconds. 

"I'm so scared right now," Mijoo voiced out from under her safe blankets. 

"The curtains are already closed, but it doesn't help. We can still see the lightening anyway!" I complained, looking elsewhere in the room. But the lightening was bright, so it made sure we could see it. 

"Can we go check on how the boys are doing? At least with them, I will feel protected," Mijoo said, finally crawling out of her blanket, but her eyes were still closed. 

"Okay, if you say so." I got up from my bed, still attempting to pull the hoodie lower so I could hide in it. It was too bad it was still very short. 

Mijoo was dragging her blanket with her but she was careful for it not to reach the floor. She had it over her head like it was a hoodie and I only trailed behind her, trying hard not to giggle at Mijoo's adorable sight. 

At the exact same time, the boys opened the door of their own room. The first one who walked out first from their room was Wonwoo, who then noticed Mijoo walking around with her blanket. 

He let out a chuckle before he leaned down to reach Mijoo's eye level. "What are you doing? Playing ghosts with Sarang?"

Mijoo held her blanket tightly with one hand before she smacked his arm. "No! Don't talk about such things at this very time of night, especially since the weather is so scary!"

"Why are you guys out at this time of night?" I asked, peeking from behind Mijoo to look at the other three guys. 

"How about you girls?" Myeong asked, looking at his phone before his eyebrows furrowed. 

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