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I rushed to the hospital, leaving Dad back in the bakery because he had work to do. Even if he wanted to come and visit Mom, he couldn't because now he has to work harder to earn the money that will be able to pay for Mom's future hospital bills such as surgeries or other treatments. 

Once inside the hospital, I looked around before running towards the receptionist and asking, "Excuse me, do you know where is Park Yong-kyun's hospital room?"

The nurse that was behind the table looked up and gave me a sweet smile in return. "She's currently in the Emergency room being treated."

I bowed in return, murmuring a quick 'thank you' before I headed my way. I ran down different rooms with different names until I ended up in front of the Emergency room. Quickly, I entered through the opened doors and searched for my mom. 

I saw her at the very corner of the room, talking to a doctor but I was too far to even decipher a single word they were exchanging. I quickened my steps and approached them, bowing at the doctor before worriedly looking over to my mom. 

My mom weakly smiled at me as she ushered me to come closer, after the doctor had left. "Aigoo, did I worry you, Sarang?"

"What happened? How did you collapse? Alone at home, as well?" I worriedly began asking as I leaned in closer to give her a tight hug.

"I was taking a walk for a change. It's stuffy at home," Mom explained, releasing me from her arms as she calmly caressed my head. "Don't worry so much. The doctors said it's nothing critical. Only a lack of proper meals. They said it was hypoglycemia."

"That meant you didn't eat your meals?" I asked. I always made sure Mom would eat properly. She must have been secretly skipping meals because of her loss of appetite. "Mom, you said you were fine. No loss of appetite whatsoever."

"I know, I know," Mom said in return, calming me down. "I'm not too sure, Sarang. These days, I just don't feel like eating."

I looked at Mom with a frown. "What can I do to help you with that?"

Mom shrugged as she joked, "Bring me home a six-star hotel course meal?"

My eyes widened. "Even if I get different part-time jobs, I won't be able to pay off such an expensive meal! I'll have to marry into some rich family!"

Mom lightly giggled. "I was kidding, Sarang. I'll try to eat more these times. Seeing you worry hurts me. So, don't worry so much, okay?"

"How can I not?" 

Mom clasped her hand on mine, holding it firmly with all the energy she had. Giving me a smile, she said, "I don't know if I'll ever get better, Sarang. I've been the same for years now. Maybe it's time to get ready to say goodbye, in case I might leave someday."

Tears touched the corner of my eyes as I held her hand tighter—but not too tight or I would hurt her already fragile state. "No. I don't want to think about that. I believe you'll get better, Mom. So you should believe, too."

Mom smiled, but it wasn't full of happy emotions like it usually should. She was showing me that she was losing hope and belief in all the treatments and medications she was taking. She wanted to let go, and she was telling me to do the same. 

But how could I? I just couldn't. Even if it was Mom who was telling me to, I still wouldn't. 

Mom understood my words and held my hand with both her hands now. She looked deep into my eyes, as if letting the memories of me from when I was a baby up until now flash between her eyes. "Sarang, we have to let go of something every now and then. It's like your new toy. Eventually, it'll break and you'll have to throw it out, no matter how much you believe it can be fixed when it just can't. Its lost all its functions and it can't go on anymore. It's completely worn out; gone, done, over."

I Think I'm In Love || SEVENTEEN FanficWhere stories live. Discover now