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Danielle's POV:

Ben has always been the goofy one, and I really don't think it's his intention. I remember back in 1993 when we were just starting out Boy Meets World, and already Cory and Topanga had to have a kissing scene in Cory's Alternative Friends. Ben totally freaked out and was so convinced that he was going to catch a disease. He made our producer, Michael Jacobs, write out a list for him of every possible illness he could get from kissing me. Am I that's icky? Well, maybe at that age. I must have still had cooties. But you know, that's the kiss that sparked everything – on TV and in real life. That kiss sparked the Corpanga relationship and everything just sort of took off from there. As we got closer in the show, it only made sense that we got closer off set, too.

Ben's POV:

We tried out a date back in the 90s. Dumb me didn't really realize what was going on so I didn't really know it was a date at the time. Guess you can say I ruined it and maybe that's why were never flourished. That was such a Cory move; I've been spending way too much time with that guy! I wouldn't say the feelings necessarily went away after that, though. Towards the later seasons, when I wasn't afraid of Danielle's cooties anymore, was the peak of our friendship, or relationship, or whatever you want to call it. Simply put, I think the best way to describe our feelings is like a crush. Like one of those high school crushes that blow over in a couple of years. They never really last because you go off to separate colleges and that kind of thing. Well, I guess thinking back now, after the show wrapped, Danielle and I would be separated too so perhaps we would have been nothing more than a fling. But then again... maybe not.

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