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Danielle: "I'm so drained. I don't remember filming a kids show being this exhausting when we were young."

Ben: "That's because we were kids too, ya goof!"

*Danielle gives him cut eye*  "Oh please, Ben, you're still a kid!"

"Then that makes you old. An old lady."

*Danielle gasps*  "You're so rude!"

*Ben laughs it off*  "Do you want to swing back to my place with me, relax with a couple drinks and some food before heading home?"

*Danielle sighs and smiles*  "You always win me over somehow. Plus your cooking is pretty supreme... for a kid."

"Okay enough with that!"

*Danielle laughs and they grab their things and say bye to those still on set*

*They arrive at Ben's house*

Danielle: "Alright so you cook, and I'll cuddle up in my seat."

Ben: "I didn't say you could make yourself at home."

"Stop being rude! This is like my second home anyway. I have claimed a seat here that's mine!"

"Hmm, thinking about it, you're right. It must give off some sort of aura because not even my family or friends sit there when they visit."

*Danielle giggles as Ben brings over a drink*

"We're starting with vodka? Oh lord! You better not have spiked it."

"I've spiked it with love. And youthfulness."

*Danielle throws her head back and laughs*  "To the best duo television has ever seen!"

"Cheers to that!"

*They clink their glasses and take a sip*

*Ben finishes up dinner and they have a couple more drinks while eating*

*Ben lifts his eyebrows*  "You wanna take a shot of tequila?"

"Ick! Tequila reminds me of underage college parties."

"I still feel like I'm in that stage of my life."

*Danielle laughs*  "Well if that's the case, you sure hold your alcohol pretty well."

"I'm a good talker. I don't tend to say stupid things when I'm a little buzzed. Only when I'm not!"

*Ben laughs at this own joke but Danielle only gives a slight smirk*

*He stays quiet for a while waiting for Danielle to say something but she diverts her eyes to look at her hands on the table*

"Hey, you okay? Are you feeling alright? Or did I say something?"

*Danielle looks up at him*  "...I want to say something stupid."

*Ben looks at her interested*  "Okay, off the record, say something stupid."

*She looks Ben straight in the eyes*  "Kiss me like Cory kisses Topanga."

Benielle: It's ComplicatedWhere stories live. Discover now