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*On his way home, Ben calls Rider*

Ben: "Emergency man meeting!"

Rider: "Oh jeez Ben. It's not even noon yet."


Rider: "OKAY OKAY! I'll be at your house in 10!"

*Ben gets home and Rider is waiting outside*

Rider: "What the hell happened?"

Ben: "There should be a show about my life. Not Cory's. His is too perfect. Come inside and sit down for this one."

Rider: "You're so damn dramatic."

Ben: "Am I though? Am I?! Wait until you hear this."

*Rider sits down on the couch*

Rider: "Okay so tell me."

Ben: "Danielle and I had sex again last night."

Rider: "Oh for the love of god, is that what this is about?"

Ben: "If only my problems were that simple now."

Rider: "Alright, so continue then."

Ben: "We had a really awesome night at the carnival together, and then we went back to her place and continued the night. Skip to breakfast this morning, I'm cracking jokes and we're bickering like a married couple, and then she drops the bomb."

Rider: "Oh my god, she's either dating someone else or pregnant, or both."

Ben: "Wow, that's pretty low to think of Danielle. Anyway, don't interrupt my flow. So I met this girl a couple of weeks ago –"

Rider: "The Instagram girl?"

Ben: "Yeah, and we've been hanging out as friends and whatever. Anyway, Danielle asks me about her and basically says that she wants me to figure out if I have any feelings for this girl before Danielle and I go any farther."

Rider: "Oh shit. Sounds like a trap."

Ben: "I know! And I don't want to screw anything up."

Rider: "Wait, that's it!"

Ben: "What's it?"

Rider: "Screw."

Ben: "Screw who?"

Rider: "The girl! I love Danielle, and I know this sounds sleazy, but think about it. Sleeping with her will help you figure out for sure if there's any connection between you two, and quickly."

Ben: "And what if there's nothing, and I ruin the friendship?"

Rider: "You have to judge it, man."

Danielle's POV:

I wonder why Ben was keeping her from me. Maybe there really is something going on between them. I need to know. I need him to figure it out. And maybe I should do some figuring out too while we're at it. Meet a couple of different guys and just see if any of them measure up to how I feel around Ben. This could be good. Or, it could be really bad...

Benielle: It's ComplicatedWhere stories live. Discover now