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*Ben and Danielle wake up in bed together*

*Danielle smiles at Ben*

Danielle: "Good morning."

*Danielle leans forward and kisses him*

Ben: "Are you still naked under there?"

*Danielle giggles*

Danielle: "Maybe..."

*Ben peeks under the blankets*

Ben: "You are! Gearing up for round two?"

Danielle: "Last night was so great, I think we should leave it at that and go get breakfast."

Ben: "Fine. One more kiss and then we'll get ready to go."

*Danielle sits up on top of him and gives him a big kiss*

Ben: "Mmm we're so bad."

Danielle: "Sneaking around makes it all the more fun, doesn't it?"

Ben: "Yeah, I feel like a teenager again, you know, the years we should have been doing this."

Danielle: "Well we can't go back in time. Now get up so we can move on with our lives."

*They get up, get dressed, and head out for breakfast*

Waiter: "Table for two?"

Ben: "Unless she's pregnant, then yes, just two."

*Danielle smacks Ben's arm*

*The waiter takes them to a table and they sit down*

Waiter: "Can I start you off with anything to drink?"

Ben: "A glass of wine would be nice, red preferably."

Danielle: "Oh my god. Ignore him. We'll both have a coffee please."

*The waiter smiles and goes to the kitchen*

Danielle: "What the hell is wrong with you?!"

Ben: "Wait, are you actually pregnant? Is that why no wine?"

Danielle: "Cut it out. You're going to have to leave a big tip for the guy after dealing with all of your stupid jokes."

Ben: "Hey, I never said I was paying today."

Danielle: "Oh yes you are. After embarrassing me, you totally are."

Ben: "We're like a married couple. It's great."

Danielle: "Tim never acted immature."

Ben: "Yeah, and how fun were dates with him?"

*Danielle lets out a long sigh*

Danielle: "You've got me there. Okay, let's figure out what we're ordering."

*The waiter comes back with their coffees*

Waiter: "Are you two ready to order?"

Danielle: "Sure. I'll have the Sunshine Special with the eggs done over easy."

Waiter: "Perfect, and for you, sir?"

Ben: "Hmmm I think I'll do one of the omelettes."

Waiter: "Great, what would you like in it?"

Ben: "I'll have bacon, onion, mushroom, and, please tell the chef, I'd like a double portion of TLC."

*Danielle rolls her eyes*

Danielle: "Please. He needs it."

*The waiter laughs*

Waiter: "Coming right up."

*Ben laughs*

Ben: "I love how flustered this makes you."

Danielle: "Oh trust me. I know. It's why you keep doing it."

Ben: "But really Danielle, would you want me any other way?"

*Danielle sits back and gazes at him*

Danielle: "No, I wouldn't change a thing about you, Ben."

*Ben smiles as he stares at her, sipping his coffee*

*There's a silence for a little bit and then their food comes*

Danielle: "Thank you."

Waiter: "No problem. Let me know if you need anything else."

Ben: "Bon appetite."

*They both take their first bite*

Danielle: "Okay, can I ask you something?"

Ben: "Shoot."

Danielle: "A couple weeks ago during filming, you were in a scene and I was off to the side. I heard a phone go off so I checked to see whose it was, and it was yours, and there were some texts from a girl named Cecile."

Ben: "Oh. Yeah, Cecile. She's a fan. I met her a while ago at the coffee shop."

Danielle: "And randomly gave her your number?"

Ben: "We took a quick picture and I told her to send it to me. She's the one from my Instagram post."

Danielle: "Oh, I never saw the post."

*Ben pulls up the picture on his Instagram and shows her*

Danielle: "She's pretty."

*Ben tries to divert and keeps eating his food*

Danielle: "Do you guys still hang out?"

Ben: "We text a little bit."

Danielle: "Just be honest."

Ben: "Yeah we hang out sometimes. She's somebody our age that doesn't know my entire life story. I kind of like the change. She's just a friend. I told you you're my only one."

Danielle: "Maybe she's a friend now but what if that grows into something?"

Ben: "I've got something good going with you now. Why would I want anything else?"

Danielle: "Because things change, Ben. And people change. I'm not even mad right now, I'm just saying that you owe it both to yourself and to her to find out if there's anything else there between you."

Ben: "Okay, now you're starting with the crazy talk."

Danielle: "Truthfully Ben, I don't want things escalating between us if I feel even the slightest chance that there are sparks between you two. So I'm telling you: Explore things with her. If something happens, it's better that we find out now. Otherwise, I'll go to the next level with you."

*Ben gulps and picks at his food*    

Benielle: It's ComplicatedWhere stories live. Discover now