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~At the bar~

Ben: "How does the success feel?"

*Rider takes a sip of his beer*

Rider: "What success are we talking about?"

Ben: "You're engaged now buddy!"

Rider: "Well, Shawn is. I have my own wifey already."

Ben: "Yeah... best of both worlds now."

*Rider shrugs and drinks his beer, unsure of what to say*

Ben: "What's Shawn feeling? Finally catching up to ol' Cory."

Rider: "He's feeling pretty good man. I never thought he'd find love again. That's one of the reasons I didn't want to come back to the show. Shawn and Angela were endgame. I wanted to leave the past as it was."

Ben: "Michael did a good job putting those tensions to rest. And Cheryl's awesome as your new arm candy."

Rider: "I guess. I just really wonder if this is where Shawn is right now."

*Ben orders a round of shots*

Ben: "Well either way, my friend, I'm glad you're around again. I've missed you."

Rider: "Until death do us part, my brother."

*They clink their glasses and take back the shots*

Rider: "Also, we just broke the drinking rule."

Ben: "Beer before liquor, never sicker?"

Rider: "Yep! But I guess that's a 'later' problem."

Ben: "Haha! So tell me, how's the wife – the real one?"

Rider: "Awesome. So much more fun than I thought married life would be. And the kid is great too."

Ben: "You know I envy you, right?"

*Ben asks for a refill on the beers*

*Rider chuckles*

Rider: "Envy's a deadly sin, ya know? We all have different stuff going for us, that's all it is."

Ben: "You and Danielle got married at the same time. I should have gotten in on that deal."

Rider: "You would have if you married Danielle."

Ben: "That's a sore spot. Don't bring that up."

*Ben takes a drink of his beer*

Rider: "My bad. Plus, three weddings together is some next illuminati shit. We don't fuck with that."

*Ben throws his head back and laughs*

Ben: "Actually, smart one, three is also the magical number of economics, and the Holy Trinity. In the name of the father, son, and holy spirit! Marry us!"

Rider: "Again... Illuminati. What does any of that have to do with weddings anyway?"

Ben: "Good fortune for all of us and a blessing from the mighty one himself."

Rider: "So since there were only two weddings, that's why one of them tanked?"

Ben: "Well if I married Danielle, there would have still only been two weddings and it would have been Danielle and I that had gotten divorced... Which would have been worse than our situation now."

Rider: "Or it could have been me with the failed marriage. You know, the Shawn curse, always trying to keep up with Cory and Topanga but never being able to."

Ben: "I guess the joke's on us then because the gods picked you. You have that amazing wife and family, Danielle and I have no one."

*They both stop and take a drink*

Ben: "Don't feel guilty though. This is not an attack on you. God, Rider, nobody deserves happiness like you do. You're my best friend, and at the end of the day, you're right – my problems are my problems."

*Rider looks over to the bartender*

Rider: "Hey buddy, can we get another round of shots?"

*The bartender brings over two shots and they take them back*

Rider: "What's going on with you and Danielle, man? I thought things were good. Why do you guys make things so damn complicated?"

*Ben hits his glass down*

Ben: "It's not as easy as that though. I see what I want, I see it right in front of me, and I can have it... But I don't trust it. I don't trust those feelings and those desires."

Rider: "What the hell are you talking about? Is this the liquor talking?"

*Ben takes a deep breath*

Ben: "I'm sorry. I'm unhappy about my life and I take it out on others. I don't let things make me happy."

*Rider stays silent, just looking at him*

Ben: "Everyone in the show is happy and successful, everyone in my life is happy and successful. I'm scared to embrace it all."

Rider: "Danielle lost her success, Ben. Her marriage fell apart and she came to you to find happiness. She's part of this show to be happy."

Ben: "Is she really though? She misses important things. Outings, interviews, dinners..."

Rider: "She still has a personal life. Just like I do. And like you do, except you decide to spend yours with certain people going to certain places."

Ben: "But that's what I'm worried about. When this show ends, god knows when but it will, then what? It'll be just like when Boy Meets World ended. We'll all be apart again."

*Rider places his glass down on the counter*

Rider: "Just worry about what's going on right now. I promise that'll keep you in a better state of mind."

Ben: "I don't know if it's the alcohol or my mind that's fucking with me."

Rider: "It's probably a bit of both. Go home, sleep it off, see how you feel in the morning. You know I'm always minutes away, or at the other end of the phone line."

Ben: "Maybe I should see a shrink."

Rider: "You could. But they'll tell you what I'm telling you. And I know more about you, Benny. That problem in your mind? It's a fear of loneliness, of running out of time. It's nostalgia. Everyone has a tragic flaw, even Shakespeare acknowledged that."

Ben: "The worst kind of problem is in your mind. It's an entire army against one fighting a war up there. I'm so defenceless and lost."    

Benielle: It's ComplicatedWhere stories live. Discover now