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Rider's POV:

I guess I'm the best guy to go to if you want an outside perspective. I don't really want to talk about Ben and Danielle too much, you know, and start any rumours. I respect them both and they are two of my very best friends. Let's face it though: There are certain scenes between those two in Girl Meets World where you know they don't have to act. On set, on TV... Everyone can see it! Do you remember that one episode with the scene where Cory comes up behind Topanga and holds her from behind as she looks at her childhood reflection in the mirror? I swear that's not acting, in fact, I'd put money on it. That was Ben holding Danielle as they reminisced over all those preteen and teen years they spent together. Do I think there's something going on between them now in real life? Geez, I have no idea. It's hard to tell what's extremely close friendship and what's more between them. I have no doubt, though, that GMW stirred up some old emotions and feelings. I'm just not sure what they can do or are doing with those. I mean... Danielle's married. I'm sure Tim knows a bit, but that's a slippery slope to walk.

Ben's POV:

When I found out that Girl Meets World was happening, I can't tell you how excited I was for the scripts. I couldn't wait to find out what kind of plot lines we'd be doing. It's so interesting not being the kid on the show anymore (although Danielle may argue that I still am) but instead being the adults, the parents. The amazing GMW writers write these scenes between Danielle and I and with our kids, but a lot of the time I feel that I don't have to act them out. It feels natural, it feels good, and it feels right. Don't kill me for being corny, but sometimes I feel like a real parent. Both on screen and off screen, the lessons I teach them come from my heart. I'm proud of their accomplishments and I feel protective over them. Having Danielle alongside me on this cross of fiction/non-fiction journey is just an added bonus. There's no one I'd rather have fake kids with!

Danielle's POV:

I don't have any real kids of my own, and I'm not sure if Tim and I will ever get there, but right now I'm happy where I am. And happy with what I've got! Not only do I have a real husband, but I've got a fake one too, and a couple of fake kids! They're awesome and I love working with them. The off-set chemistry is really special too. When we're out somewhere together, we act as if we're a real family. And from what I see... the raw, uncaptured, behind-the-scenes, off-set Ben Savage would be such a GOOD dad. In the end, writing is only as good as the actors and actresses portraying it. Think about it in terms of comedy shows and movies: Would some be as funny if other people were cast? Would any Michael Cera movie be as funny without him specifically playing the role? Probably not. It's seems to be the same thing here. Ben and I can play our characters so believably on screen because with all of our chemistry, there's limited acting actually needed. Would GMW be as special as it is if two others were cast as Cory and Topanga? You tell me. 

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