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Ben's POV:

Maybe starting up Girl Meets World was a mistake. As an idea, it sounded perfect – what could go wrong? But now I see exactly what can go wrong. There must have been a reason Danielle and I stayed apart for all those years between shows. From Shakespeare plays to John Green books, you learn that you can't control fate. If Danielle and I are not destined to be together, then we will never be together. I think I was fine with that; I wasn't so hung up on her before. The kiss happened and now I have no idea where we stand. It was a huge mistake and I regret it entirely. I know we should talk about how we feel and what happened that night, but saying it out loud just makes it too real. Right now we can continue pretending like it never happened and avoid that awkward conversation. The only person I feel I could trust with this is Rider, so maybe I'll tell him... but then again I'm even scared of his reaction. We messed up real bad.

Danielle's POV:

I feel like my worst nightmare is coming true and it's all my fault. Ben and I purposely go out of our ways to avoid each other. Unless we're in a scene together, we won't talk or even stay in the same room. I'm not sure if anyone has picked up on it, but at least nobody is saying anything. I'm moving forward with my life and I'm trying my hardest to forget that kiss. I think Ben wants that too, though, to pretend like nothing happened. But maybe that's our problem: we keep guessing what each other wants and thinks. We've been friends forever and can read each other like the back of our hands... except when it comes to deciphering feelings. Neither of us seem to know what we want so how could the other person understand anything? The last thing I want is to lose him to something stupid like this, so hopefully it blows over soon. By itself. Without having to have a conversation.

Rider's POV:

I got dragged into this again. Ben told me everything and oh. my. god. I knew something was up between them but I can't believe they let it get that far. They kissed! For real! Off-set and unscripted! This is probably every fan's dreams but guys... this is real life. They got themselves into a very difficult situation, and neither of them will discuss it to try and work it out. On set, there has always been a little tension between them, but it was lowkey and comfortable. Now, we've got a massive elephant constantly in the room. There is a crazy amount of awkward tension between them now, and what's worse is that part of it is sexual tension. I feel like those two just need to bang it out and see what they feel, but lord knows all hell would break loose. I didn't suggest that to Ben... it's actually a horrible idea. What does need to happen though is Ben needs to sit down and have a serious conversation about what's happening in his life. He needs to look deep within and truthfully answer why he never put effort into finding someone, settling down and having kids. I know Ben is not a big fan of change, but dude, you've gotta learn to adapt. Cory and Topanga are perfect, but my two crazy best friends that play them, well... they need couples counselling. And they aren't even a goddamn couple!

Benielle: It's ComplicatedWhere stories live. Discover now