Chapter 22 ~ Last First Kiss

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Isabelle's POV 

"Did you do this for me?" I asked. 

Niall leaned into my hear and whispered

"Yeah , And you look beautiful 'Just The Way You Look Tonight'" He replied as he kissed my forehead. Why does he have to make me go Tomato every time? 

We walked each other through the table , Hand-in-Hand. I looked around. There were balloons and rose pearls everywhere. This is so romantic! 

"So , Can you tell me how did your little plan work?" I asked as I take my chair but Niall stop it. 

" First , Let me , And We'll talk." Niall said as he pulled the chair while I sit , As he pushed the chair back. 

He sit in his chair and began explaining. 

"When you woke up , Everyone wasn't taken by a bad guy or a freak , Everyone was here preparing the place. The reason why we locked the doors is because , You might be distra

cted. You must have known Lou. She was the one who sent you and the girls clothing. Everyone is now back at the cabin or here." Niall said emphasizing the word 'here'. 

I looked around to see nothing. Well that's a surprise , Thy always watch us. But Nah , I won't let that ruin the night.

"Ohh , I thought you were kidnap by a freak cause I was starting to freak out , That I get the knife!" I replied while laughing. Niall seems to be entertained because he laughed too.

"This place is so romantic." I said looking around not foucusing on Niall's eye. I might melt !

"I know." Niall said,

Minutes later , Harry came in with two plates and set it down on the table. 

"Carbonara for my lady." He said in a parisian tone while opening the lids to reveal my favourite dish , Carbonara. YUM!

"And for the man , Spaghetti." Harry said as he open Niall's plate to reveal Spaghetti.

Niall's POV 

"Thanks man." I whispered to Harry as he smiled and walk away. 

Isabelle already started eating on her food. She was never too shy to eat infront of me. To be honest, She eats too much but never gains weight. Weird , I know. 

I just smile at her eating every piece of noodle she sips through her mouth. I never even notice my smile getting wider and wider.

"Are you just gonna stare at me eat and smile like a child who got ice-cream?" Isabelle said as she looked at me with happiness and glee. 

"Alright Babe. I'll eat." I replied as I grabbed my fork and started twisting it on the spaghetti. I bring the fork up to my mouth and sip all the spaghetti.

I started eating the way I eat , Not minding if I should take a break or drink water. I was hungry too , Well maybe all the time. 

I was done eating , While Isabelle is wiping her mouth with a tissue. 

"Niall , You got something in your mouth." Isabelle said giggling,

"What? Where?" I asked locating it ,  a bit embarassed. 

"Let me this time." She replied as she leaned over to me and wipe the part that has some sauce.

"You're okay now. Handsome as always." She said while smiling at me. 

"Thanks Princess." I replied smiling at her. 

I took the bottle of champagne from the cold bucket and pour some of Me and Isabelle's glasses. 

"Thanks." She said as she drink a few amount of Champagne. 

I drink a bit and talk about stuff. 

After a few talking , A song from Christina Perri came up , Which was also Isabelle's favourite songs. 

A Thousand Years 

I stood from my chair and went to her chair. 

"May I have this dance?" I asked holding my hand out while she accepted it and put her hand on my mine. 

Isabelle's POV 

Then there goes my heart. BOOM BOOM BOOM ,  And my knees feel weak and numb thanks to my shoes and my emotions right now.

We walk hand-in-hand , A few steps away from the table as I put my arms around his neck while Niall's arms in my waist. 

Niall was still taller than me , Even though I'm wearing HIGH HEELS. My height was only on his nose! Working  on my height is on my Bucketlist this year! 

"I can't believe I'm still smaller than you wearing this feet killer." I whispered to him while he laughed at me. 

"Well then your my shorty." Niall whispered back his breath tingling to my nose. 

He leaned in to my face which makes our faces inches apart. Oh Gosh Niall , STOP IT!

"You're cute when you blush." Niall whispered again. 

"Stoopp Itt." I whispered while Niall chuckled."

I tilted my head to the side to hide my face from all the redness that is blooming on my cheeks. 

"Isabelle , Look at me." Niall said. 

I didn't answer I'm still blushing right now and I swear I looked like tomato redness x2!

Niall removed his left hand from my waist and use it to face him once again. His eyes , His smile , His lips are perfect , I might melt now , As in now!

"Are you still shy infront of me after all that has happened?" Niall asked. 

"Well kinda , I still can't believe it's you. My idol is My Boyfriend." I replied looking into his mesmorizing blue orbs. 

"Me too. I still can't believe it's you. Wanna find out if this is a dream?" Niall asked. 

"Yeah." I replied.

"I want this to be your Last First Kiss." Niall said as he put his lips onto mine. 

First , I was shocked that I didn't reply to his actions. I pinch myself but I didn't wake up or something. This is isn't a dream  , This is reality. I can't believe it. 

I responded to him by syncing our lips together. Niall pull me so we are really close together. I put my hands in his hair tangling them. I tilted my head as Niall also tilted his. This moment was so perfect it even match the song. 

After a few seconds , We finally pulled away from each other , Out of breaths. 

"Niall I love you from the bottom of my heart." I said. 

"I love you too , My princess." Niall replied as he kissed my forehead. 


Hey Guys! I'm sorry for not updating! You must be really angry to me when you're reading this. 

But on the BRIGHT SIDE , 

Niall and Isabelle have their first kiss! Yeyy! 

To the 2 girls who voted for The Last Chapter , Thank You so so much! I wish I can all keep in touch with you guys. 

Anyways , Thanks for reading! Next chapter will be in 3 days? YES! 


Love you guys!

Hugs and Nandos , 


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