Chapter 43 - Prince Charming Saves Again

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Isabelle's POV

Me and Niall stood still there, sneaking glances at each other, then looking away when we caught ourselves staring at each one. I just wanna run to him and hug him so tight but, it will make me a coward. Niall didn't give a care about everything I said while I being the weakling, let him drag me from the store to our room, let him shout at me not just ordinary words but words that can kill me inside, and make it look like all the words I said are just trash. I just want him to understand me. I just want him to believe me.

"I'll wash up." Niall mumbles, heading straight to the bathroom, closing the door. I think I heard him lock it.

I look at the coffee in the table, still hot, giving off steams. I try to reach for it but pulled my hand back. I don't feel like drinking the coffee right now. The coldness in my body was gone and was replaced by anger, I could feel myself sweating right now because of the anger I let out earlier. To cool myself off, I inhaled air to calm me down but, what I inhaled is Niall's scent. Not too strong, not too faint. Just the right amount, making my senses alive and pumped again. Making my heart skip a beat.

I shook my head and took off his jacket and placed it in the mini table near the coffee stands still. I went to my wardrobe to get a jacket that will not remind me of Niall. I pulled out a leather jacket Tiffany gave me a few years ago. I put it on, inserting my arms to the arms holes. When I'm inserting my right arm to the right hole, something stopped it. It was bulging out, like it want to rip the material apart.

I pulled my arm to see the bracelet that Niall gave me on the day I said yes to be his girlfriend. It was still shiny, sending off streaks of light whenever the light meets it's gaze. The charms : the horse charm, the flower charms, the lock, and lastly, the Minnie Mouse charm. I bring my left arm slowly towards it, still not sure if I'm going to do it. When my fingertips came contact the lock that keeps the bracelet on my wrist, I stopped. If there is one thing I'll never take off is this. This is the only thing that best describes me and Niall's relationship.

I quickly put on the jacket and grab a sticky note that was placed on the table near my bed and wrote something to it. I left it where Niall's jacket and the coffee is and set off to leave.

Before Niall might came out of the bathroom, I exit our room as swift as I can and slammed the door shut so loud, you can hear it in the whole cabin, the others looking at me with terrified looks on their faces. They are terrified of me. They just looked a me with looks that they do not know me anymore. Like I am a stranger, standing in front of them.

"I..I-- I have to go." I stuttered after I felt a little pain in my eyes, tears came flooding my waterline.

I wiped the tears quickly with my forearm and make a dash outside the cabin, my face covered by my hands that are getting so wet with my tears, making sure nobody sees me like this. From what I am feeling right now, I sure I looked like a total haggard. I didn't know where I'm going. I just keep running and running until I saw a curb lit by a post.

I sat on the curb that's lit by the post above me and just let everything out of my chest. I felt a little pain in my eyes, tired from crying so hard. I felt a pain in my legs, tired from running from everything. I felt a pain in my throat from all the shouting we had. I felt a massive pain in my heart, so sick of Jake, the problems, and the fight Me and Niall had. I bury my face in my hands and continue to cry on to what seem like forever.

Why does this have to hurt so much when it is just misunderstanding? I know I didn't suck that much at explaining things but this, this is one of thee toughest things I experienced that needs explaining. Surely I got reprimanded, rejected, and even get to to detention for something and I need to explain it, but why does this seem so hard to make? Why does this fight have to hurt this much?

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