Chapter 55 - The Guest

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Jake's sudden prescence startled me and almost scared the living daylights out of me, but thanks to Niall, the food, and Fon, I managed to forget he actually sat beside me and talked to me. Still, the curiosity in me is still there, on how he got the information. No one in this camp except Niall, the boys, Tiffany, and Patrice are the only one who know what's our state righht now and besides, all of them never go out or are busy with their own business and of course, none of them would ever speak to Jake knowing that he is my ex-boyfriend, unless he has his own ways or creeps at me. God, just the thought of it just makes me cringe.

"You seem to be pretty occupied there." Niall interrupts me in my thoughts, once he notices that I am on my own world.

"Just admiring nature's beauty." I lied with a smile, looking at mother nature.

The sky, the trees, the plants, the wonderful scenery, the silent atmospheric air, it is perfect. Since it was still in the middle of the afternoon, it is still warm and taking walks around is something I really want to do no matter how sweaty I'll get.

My burger was already finished and my soda was chugged down in one gulp due to the hot weather and my thirst minutes ago while I was still in shock of what happened. Niall was still drinking his soda and interacting with Fon at the same time, while I just look at them and smile at them.

"You ready to walk?" Niall asks and I nod.

I stood up, grab our empty cups and wrappers and threw them on the nearest bins I can find around the camp before catching up with Niall who is now a few steps ahead of me with Fon who is walking a bit fast with his tiny legs on his side.

The rest of the day was amazing, thank God. There weren't any signs of Jake and Barbara which was absolutely wonderful since I wasn't planning on getting jealous or angry that day. We travelled all around the camp, passing by some familiar places with a thousand of different memories in each one, both good and bad.

Niall and I didn't have any contact with each other that day. We just walked together but there was no contact with the hands. We didn't hold hands, nor his hand came in contact with my face. We would chat but then it would be awkward and we would just forget it and look seperate ways. I'm not surprised since after all, we should be avoiding each other today, but we didn't.

I may have given Niall a chance to make up for what he did but then, I may not have. I still don't know if him giving a second chance is a great idea when I know Barbara is just around the corner and so does Jake. Who knows when the snake will attack once again and then I'll be the one hurt in the end.

When we get back, we just smiled at each other and it was like dinner time last night, no talking, no smiling, no contact at all, and if there is a glance, it will still be a race on who is the first one who looks away.

Right now, I am just sitting in me and Tiffany's room, just looking at  my camera roll, smiling at the funny pictures of either of the boys or the girls, remembering when and how did it happen in the first place.

"You seem to be cracking a smile, what a miracle." Tiffany says and flops down on my bed and snatches my phone.

"Hey!" I grabbed my phone back and she nudges her head on my neck and looks on the photo of Louis I shot when we were on the mini carnival wherein I just randomly took a shot of everybody and most of it look pretty funny.

"That's a good one." Tiffany comments after she was laughing, when she saws the picture.

I swiped my hand and scroll more on the roll of photos, my hand stopping on a picture of me and Niall when he did my makeup and end up well. My smile faded.

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