Chapter 23~ Here's To Never Growing Up!

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Niall's POV

"I Love You Niall." Isabelle said as she looked up to me with her shining dark brown eyes.

"I love you too Princess." I replied while pulling her closer to me and kissed her forehead.

I pulled away a few seconds after and looked at her. She's amazing and she never even tries it!

"Where's the others? I'm sure they're really tired and hungry." Isabelle asked looking in my eyes full of concern. Her concern for others is one of those things I liked about her. She always have concern for others especially all the people she loves.

"Maybe they're back at the cabin , Eating or Chilling. Do you want to go back? I replied as I stroke her hair , While she nods but stopped.

"I'll just get something." She replied as she run back to the table and grab the daffodil and rose from the flower vase.

"What is that for?" I asked lifting my other eyebrow.

"It's important. I'll keep this even if it dies." Isabelle replied showing me her smile.

"C'mon.' I said as I snake my arms on her waist , While she put her head in my shoulders as we head back for the cabin.


I twist the doorknob to see everyone having a toast.

"Here's to the Successful Date of Niall and Isabelle!" Louis said as they toast their wine glasses.

"Hey! How come you all celebrate without us?" Isabelle asked as everyone's heads turn to us.

"Isabelle , Niall! Come in! We're celebrating!" Lou said while holding Lux.

"C'mon Niall!" Isabelle said as we went inside our hands linked together.

"So , How's the date?" I heard Eleanor asked.

"It's really romantic." I heard Isabelle replied.

They all giggled while I get some glasses for the both of us.

"Babe , Are you sure you can handle another glass?" I asked.

"Just a little. I don't wanna get drunk." Isabelle replied as I fill half of her glass with wine.

"Here." I said as I hand the glass to her. I drink a bit and went to the couch where everyone was in.

"This is a really great and tiring day for us. I feel sleepy." Tiffany said as she drink more of her wine.

Isabelle lay her head on my shoulder.

"I feel sleepy already." She whispered to me.

"Why don't you get changed and come back here?" I asked as Isabelle smiled before leaving the couch and went to her bedroom.

"Did she enjoyed it?" Louis asked as Eleanor playfully hit his arm.

"Of course she did. Who would never enjoy that?" Eleanor replied rolling her eyes.

"She really enjoyed it. We even kissed." I said a bit embarrassed.

"Aww....That's so sweet!" Tiffany said as Isabelle came out wearing a big seater and sweatpants.

"Is it cold outside or are you just that really great in choosing clothing?" Tiffany asked while Isabelle giggled and sat back next to me.

"You look really cute , Babe." I whispered in her ear.

"Thanks." She whispered back as she joined the girls conversation while I joined the lads.


It was midnight and everyone decided to have a toast before we all go to sleep.

"Here's To Never Growing Up!" Louis said as we all click our glasses together and drink all of it.

Isabelle quickly put her glass on the sink and went straight to her bedroom.

As her concerned boyfriend , I followed her to see her collapsed in bed.

"Hey Niall." Isabelle said still her eyes closed.

"Hey babe. Tired so early?" I asked.

"Yeah. From all what happened today , It sure give me tiredness." She replied while opening her eyes and staring at me.

"Go to sleep babe." I said rubbing the middle of her eyebrows.

"Aren't you gonna change?" She asked.

"I'll be back." I said as I use the door inside their room and change into decent clothes.

I went back to see Isabelle checking her phone.

I sit at her bed and start stroking her hair.

"Niall can you lie down with me? I'm cold." Isabelle pouted giving me puppy eyes.

"Sure." I said as I snuggle with her on the covers.

I pull her closer to me and wrap my arm around her waist.

"I already feel warm." Isabelle said nudging her head on my chest.

"Just sleep , Princess." I said as I kissed her cheek but she turned to me.

She brushed her lips once again in mine for a couple of seconds and pulled away.

"Goodnight. Love you." Isabelle said before kissing my cheek and turned her back against me.

"Goodnight." I said as I closed my eyes happily.


"They are asleep here. How sweet."

"Should we wake them up?"

"No. Just leave them."

I opened ,y eyes to see the others on the door looking at us.

"Can I sleep with her , Just this night?" I asked.

"Of Course you can. Goodnight." Eleanor said as they closed the door and I went back to bed.

I kissed Isabelle's cheek before closing my eyes again.


Sorry for the boring chapter guys , It's 12:30 am here and I'm so tired and sleepy. I'll be editing this chapter tomorrow and try to make Chapter 24.

Anyways , How's your day guys? Don't be shy to comment!


Bye ,

Bella Belle

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