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michael had just turned eighteen last month and that meant he could finally move out of the foster house.

he was overjoyed when his birthday came around because he hated living in the foster home.

he had been wanting to move out and live alone for a long time. now he finally can.

"well that's the last of the boxes." said one of the movers.

michael nodded as the mover guy turned around and walked out of the house.

even though michael is eighteen and has a house of his own, he still is in his last year of high school and has to get up early and go to school. aside from school, he still has his part time job at the record store after school hours.

michael looked down at his watch and sighed. it was late and he has to get up early tomorrow.

he dreaded getting up in the morning. he absolutely hated it but he knew had had to do it anyways so he put on his pajamas, got into his bed and started to drift off to sleep.


he was sleeping peacefully until he was awoken by his blaring alarm clock. he slightly opened his eyes and squinted at the clock. once he saw the time he turned off his alarm clock, groaned and then got out of his comfy bed and walked to his closet.

since it was just another normal day at high school he decided to dress casual. he paired his black skinny jeans with a red shirt, his all black high top converse and his leather jacket.

he wore his leather jacket everyday because it was the only thing he had to remember his father before he passed away.

he walked into the bathroom and tried to make his hair look presentable for the day. once he decided that he was ready he grabbed his bag and slung it over his shoulder and grabbed his keys and headed out the door.

when he was outside he walked over to his garage to unlock it. once it was unlocked, michael pulled out his black motorcycle into the driveway and closed the garage door behind him.

when he got on his motorcycle, he put on his helmet and drove to school. when he got to the school he pulled up to the parking lot to park. when he was parked he could hear the occasional oohs and ahhs from some of the girls.

michael was the typical bad boy that most of the girls wanted but he didn't want them and he's told them but they don't listen. and a lot of the girls would throw themselves at him but he would just ignore it.

some of the people at their school were afraid of michael because of what had happened two years ago.


"what did you just say?" michael yelled.

justin didn't answer. he just smirked and laughed then turned away.

michael ran up to him and grabbed him but the collar and threw a punch at justin's jaw and another and another.

justin managed to throw michael off of him just long enough so that he can take a punch at michael.

michael's face was red but not from embarrassment, from anger. he looked as if smoke was about to come out of his ears.

then somehow michael managed to take justin off and pinned him to the wall. michael then took his best shot and landed his hand right into justin's lower stomach.

he pushed him up higher and started to swing his fists in justin's jaw over and over and over again. right before michael could swing again, a teacher tried to pull him off but he just pushed the teacher away.

the teacher was having trouble so he called over a group of teachers and they started to claw michael off of justin.

michael has a bloody lip and a couple of bruises but he was fine. justin on the other hand, was limping and had a sharp pain in his left arm.

michael later found out that justin had broken his left arm.

end flashback

justin was the captain of the football team. some people from the team still hate me because justin had to sit out for the rest of the season and he was the best player but eventually his hand healed and he was back in the game.

michael shook his head and snapped out of his thoughts. he went back to minding his own business. as he was walking down the hall, something caught his eye. three members of the football team were cornering some kid and it looked pretty serious so michael decided to step in.

as he got closer to them he realized that the kid they were beating up was calum, the kid who sits behind him in his science class.

"put him down." michael said, loud enough for them to hear while looking them dead in the eye.

they looked back at michael and decided to ignore him. he stomped up to them and pushed them away. they knew what he was capable of so they looked at calum, who was sitting on the ground and was trembling, smirked and walked away laughing.

once they were out of sight, michael helped calum up. then calum dusted off his pants and threw his bag over his shoulder and thanked michael, then ran off to his class so that he wouldn't be late.


okay, so i rewrote this chapter and i really like how it turned out.
also i'm really excited to restart this because this time i can actually make it the way i want to.
so, what did you guys think?
do you guys have any feedback for me?
i hope your all enjoying this book
and don't forget to vote and comment if you liked it.

word count ; 986

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