t h i r t e e n

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"hey, ashton! you home?" calum hollered as he walked into the house and placed his pair of keys onto the hook.

"up here!" ashton said from upstairs.

calum trotted his way on up the stairs and followed ashton's voice. ashton was in the shower, well he was in the shower. he opened the door of the bathroom and a trail of steam followed after him. he was in nothing but a towel which covering his lower parts.

"o-oh!" calum's eyes grew wide.

calum looked ashton up and down and gulped, "what'd you need?"

calum was snapped back in to reality, "apparently luke is gay or something but not straight."

"what?" ashton asked as he grabbed a small towel from the closet and dried his hair.

"u-um, yeah."

"wait a minute. why the hell were you talking to luke? he's an asshole. he's like michael's little servant. does anything michael tells him to do." ashton scoffed.

"that's your opinion on him?"

ashton nodded, "yep."

"what about his looks?" calum asked. if ashton didn't think that luke was somewhat cute then he was fucked.

"he's hot, really hot actually. just a huge dick. i mean, he was really nice to me when we were friends but now he gives off a bad vibe."

"so you like him?"

ashton sighed, "did you not just hear anything i just said?"

calum chuckled nervously, "yes, yes i did."


cal: hey i talked to ashton

luke: and??

cal: he says you're a dick

luke: what?? i've been nothing but nice to him

cal: he says since you were a dick to me about the whole michael thing that he doesn't like you

luke: you're lucky we're talking digitally

cal: says you're hot as hell though

luke: he said that?

cal: yup

luke: ok so i just need to work on controlling my anger

cal: correct

cal: i could help you if you wanted me to

luke: sounds good

luke: i've liked him for a long time so i'll be willing to change for him

cal: thats sweet

luke: whatever

cal: i'm free now

cal: if you want to get started right away

luke: sounds good

cal: should i just come to your place??

luke: no meet me at the lake

cal: on my way now


"hey, ashton?"

ashton perked his head up, "yeah?"

"can i use the car? i'm going to the grocery store." calum didn't want to tell him that he was going to meet up with luke since ashton wasn't very fond of him anyway.

"sure. i'll text you my list. the keys are on the table. be safe." ashton said.

"ok, thank you." calum smiled.

ashton grabbed his shoulder, "and you don't need to ask. you live here too."

"ok, i was just checking." calum said as he stuffed his phone into his pocket and grabbed the keys, "see you later."

"see ya."


hey hey hey

guess who updated again

its me

word count; 494

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