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when calum woke up his head was pounding. his eyelids were heavy and his eyes kept on closing. he groaned. "what's the matter?" ashton asked.

"my head hurts a lot." calum responded.

"here, let me get you some medicine." ashton uttered.

"thank you." calum gave ashton a wide smile.

ashton got up and headed to the kitchen. he opened the cabinet and searched around for the pills for calum.

a few moments later ashton went back into the living room with a pill in his hand and a glass of water in the other. "drink up." ashton said.

calum threw his head back as he popped the pill into his mouth and flushed it down with some water. "thank you for everything. for the medicine, for letting me stay here, and for being there for me."

ashton smiled. "you're my best friend. so of course i will always be there for you. no matter what." calum started to tear up a bit. "what's wrong?" ashton asked.

"you've been nothing but nice to me and i haven't done anything for you and i feel bad." calum said. ashton patted and rubbed calum's back.

a few moments later calum spoke up, "tomorrow, if i'm not sick, maybe we could go somewhere, like to the movies or for ice cream."

"that sounds wonderful." he pulled calum into a hug.

"can we watch a movie?" calum asked and ashton nodded as he put in a movie.


calum fell asleep during the movie and ashton decided that he would make some cookies for calum. ashton tried his best to carefully slip away from the he couch without waking calum up.

ashton was successful and was now in the kitchen in front of the fridge. he was trying to decided what type of cookies he should make. ashton just decided to make chocolate chip cookies.

ashton preheated the oven and took out a pan. he ripped open the cookies and placed them one buy one onto the pan and then he slid the pan into the oven and then he set the timer.

about fifteen minutes later and the cookies were done. ashton took out the cookies and he let them cool and pour a glass of milk.

ashton set up the cookies on a tray and put the glass of milk on the tray and brought it into the living room.

calum was just now waking up and rubbed his eyes and then sniffed the air. it smelled delightful. calum stretched his arms and ashton walked into the living room.

"here you go. i made them for you." ashton smiled as he handed calum a plate with cookies and a glass of milk to wash them down.

"thank you, ashton." calum said sincerely and smiled.

"are you ready to go back to school tomorrow?" ashton asked.

calum shook his head, "absolutely not but unfortunately i can't afford another sick day also i don't want to come into contact with a certain person."

"michael?" ashton asked and calum nodded.

"i'm sorry, calum."

"about what?" calum asked.

"michael." ashton said, his voice filled with sorrow.

"don't be. its not your fault." calum sighed.

calum ate his last cookie and drank the last sip of milk. "can i use your shower? i need to get ready for school tomorrow and i'm dirty."

ashton chuckled, "sure, its down the hall to the left."

"and can i use some pajamas when i get out?" calum basically asked in a whisper.

ashton nodded, "yes."

"thank you, ashton." calum smiled as he got ready to get into the shower.


lmao sorry for not updating since may im so lazy and i've had no idea for this book but i have some now so yee

words: 669

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