s e v e n t e e n

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"hey," ashton said to luke at school the next day, "so how about that date?"

"ashton, i would love to go out with you." luke smiled.

"want to go to the movies? we could invite michael and calum and make it a double date." luke suggested.

"calum and michael aren't together." ashton said.

luke scoffed, "not yet."

"you're right and yes, that would be lovely. i'll pick you up at 7 on friday." ashton winked as he and luke started on their way to first period.


"so," luke said as he turned to michael, "when are you and calum going to get together?"

michael raised his eyebrow, "what?"

"calum has the hots for you and its obvious you've got them for him. so what's stopping you guys?" luke asked as he took a sip of his soda.

"oh. uh, i don't know." michael shrugged.

"make your move soon. ashton and i are planning a double date and to have a double date you need two dates." luke added.

"wait, calum for real likes me?" michael asked as he twirled a piece of his hair, well what he has left of it anyways, on his finger.

luke sighed, "so, are you going to ask him out or what?"

michael nodded, "i'll go and ask him right now."

luke nodded, "good."

michael pulled out his phone and opened to calum's contact and hit message.

mike: hey calum

cal: what's up

mike: you doing anything right now

cal: nah

cal: what's up

mike: can i come over

cal: sure

cal: i live at ashton's house now though

mike: i'm sure luke cam give me the address

cal: alright see you in a few

michael shoved his phone into the front pocket of his jeans and grabbed the car keys off the hook.

"luke? you coming?" michael hollered.

"it depends. where you going?" luke asked.

michael looked up, "ashton's house. going to see calum."

luke grabbed his phone from the table, "count me in."

"let's go."

"i'll drive. i know where ashton's house is." luke said as he hopped into the drivers seat.

"alright." michael said as he got into the passengers side.

"you nervous?" luke asked as he pulled out of the driveway.

michael scoffed, "um hell yeah."


"good?" how is that good?" michael asked.

"means you really like him." luke said.

michael nodded, "oh."


"calum, can i talk to you outside for a moment?" michael asked once they got to ashton's house.

calum nodded, "sure."

michael kicked a rock and sighed, "i know this isn't going to be easy but i was wondering if maybe you would be interested in going to the movies with me on friday?"

calum eyes him, "like as in a date?"

"if you want it to be." michael said.

"michael clifford, are you asking me out on a date?" calum smirked.

michael nodded, "um yes. yes i am."

calum smiled, "i would be happy to attend this date with you."

"is this the part where we kiss?" michael asked.

calum shrugged, "do you think we should?"

michael nodded, "do you want to?"

calum nodded, "do you?"

calum and michael stared at each other for a moment before viciously grabbed each others faces and intertwining their lips.

"hey, michael what did he s- woah!" ashton's eyes widened as he saw michael and calum basically making out in back yard.

luke followed ashton outside and gasped when he say michael and calum, "well, i guess i'll take that as a yes."

"we should maybe go inside." ashton said.

"hey, ashton?"


"can we do that?" luke questioned.

"like right now?" ashton asked and luke nodded in response.

luke and ashton basically ran into each other's arms and locked their lips together for a kiss.


after all four boys finished making out, basically, ashton had invited luke and michael to say for dinner and they accepted the offer.

"i already ordered pizza, guys. hope you like cheese and pepperoni." ashtom said as he walked into the dining room holding two boxes of pizza.

"who doesn't like pizza?" michael asked rhetorically.

"that's a good question that i, unfortunately, do not have the answer to." ashton said as he passed around plates.

all four boys grabbed two pieces each and began to chow down on their pizza while luke, michael and calum simultaneously thanked ashton for the food.

"it's no problem, guys. really." ashton said.

"okay, so this double date is on friday at 7?" calum asked, wanting to be sure.

luke and ashton nodded, "we're seeing pirates of the caribbean. the new one."

"ooh, that looks really good. doesn't it michael?" calum asked and michael nodded in response.

"yes it does. i'm excited." michael nodded.

luke smiled at ashton, "me too."

"me three." ashton said with a smile.

"uh, me four. i guess." calum said.


someone tell me why every time i spelled nodding in this chapter i had to urge to spell it like nooding

anyways malum and lashton are real

word count; 835

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