f i f t e e n

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once calum returned home, well to ashton's house, he basically ran up the stairs to ashton's room to find ashton watching tv and eating some chips.

"ashton! you'll never believe what luke and i just figured out?" calum squeaked.

"luke? i thought you were going to the grocery store." ashton said.

"oh shit. i knew i forgot to do something. i'm sorry." calum said, shaking his heas in disappointment.

"it's alright, we can go later." ashton said.

"anyways, luke believes that i did not send the texts."

"what changed his mind?" ashton asked.

"i did. i couldn't have sent those texts because according to my phone, michael was blocked." calum said really fast.

"oh my god, that's great! for you, well sort of." ashton said.

calum let out a chuckle, "i get what you mean."

"wait a minutes, if you didn't send the texts then who did? who would ever do such a thing to such a sweet guy? i'm mean sure, michael is an asshole but he has good intentions." ashton give him a soft smile.

"i know he does. he was super sweet, especially to me." calum said.

"that's because he liked you."

calum gave the older boy a confused look, "h-he did?"

ashton's jaw dropped open, "you didn't know?"

calum shook his head.

"calum, it was so obvious."

"it was?"

ashton nodded, "yeah."

"that is great news!" calum squealed.

"how so?"

"uh, i like him too." calum smiled.

"well that would've been nice to know before he started acting like a dickhead." ashton said.

calum shrugged, "well yeah, but still."

"calum, i hate to be the one to say this but michael hates your guts now." ashton said.

calum let out a sad sigh. "i know and that's exactly why i have decided that i am going to talk to him tomorrow at school with luke and really figure this out."

ashton raised an eyebrow, "did you hear anything that i just said?"

calum nodded, "i heard everything."


lmao i didn't know how to end this but sorry it was so short whoops

i'll try to make the next one longer i promise

word count; 360

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