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"okay, you've got to stop being such a dick to everyone."

luke growled, "i know. what the fuck do you think we're doing this."

"i don't really know how to explain it but you've got to lighten up." calum said.

"i know, i know. the problem is that i don't know how." luke said as he kicked a rock.

"what's bothering you?"


calum looked at him in the eyes, "you're angry because something happened. what happened?"

"i'm not blaming you but ever since you and michael had that stupid fight i've just been down in the dumps. i miss hanging out with you guys and i only have one friend and it's michael but he never wants to hang out and i don't know. it's dumb." luke sighed.

"that's not dumb. that's a legitimate reason." calum assured him, "i hate that michael and i are having this stupid fight too. he's mad at me for apparently sending these stupid texts and i didn't even send them and i really like him and and i thought he liked me too but-"

calum froze up, realizing that he had just told luke that he liked michael.

"oh my god! you like michael?" luke said, surprised.

calum shook his head, "yes, but please don't tell him yet. i'll tell him when i'm ready."

luke put his hand over his heart, "i promise, i won't tell anyone."

"see you're already starting to be nicer." calum pointed out.

luke chuckled, "hey, i guess i've changed."

"woah, slow down. no one can change that quickly."

"i would change that quickly for ashton." luke admitted.

"you must really like him, huh?"

luke blushed and nodded, "yeah."

"what do you like about him?" calum questioned.

"um, well he's nice and funny. he's a great friend and he's super smart and sweet. he's the type of person that i can always count on to be there for me and he has tot a great personality. not to metion his looks; which are a plus."

calum awed, "that's so cute, luke. how come you never told him?"

"uh, i don't know. i didn't wanna get turned down and besides i don't even think he likes me like that." luke took a deep breath and let it out.

"oh, that makes sense." calum stopped in his tracks, "since we're hanging out and you're not trying to kill me, does this make us friends again?"

luke thought for a moment, "well we never stopped being friends. i mean, i know we haven't hung out for the past couple of weeks because i went with michael but i still consider us friends."

"oh, that's good to know." calum said,"do you think michael will ever believe me?"

luke shrugged, "honestly, with michael, you never know what he'll believe. i can try to talk some sense into him though, maybe. he might try to start something though bit i'll try to talk to him."

"really? you'd do that for me?" calum asked.

luke nodded, "yeah, we're friends."

calum smiled as the two of them walked for a few more minutes in silence until luke broke it.

"do you think ashton still wants to be my friend?"

calum scratched his head as if he was thinking, "yes, yes he does. well at least i think he does. i mean, i don't see why he wouldn't want to aside from the part where he thinks you're an asshole. no offense."

"none taken. yeah, i mean i didn't accuse you of sending me texts." luke added.

"yeah." calum agreed.

"wait a minute, if you didn't send the texts but michael showed me actual proof then who the hell sent them?"

calum and luke were both extremely confused. no one has gotten a hold of calum's phone aside from himself. well no one that he knows of.

"luke, can you ask michael when he received those texts and what time? because i know for a fact that i did not send michael any texts. hell, my phone won't even let me text him. see for yourself." calum said as he handed luke his phone.

luke went to michael and tried type a simple hello.

cal: hi
message failed to send

"huh, that is weird." luke rubbed his chin.

"and here's the weird part. i can text anyone else except for him. look."

luke handed calum his phone and calum scrolled to luke's contact and typed the exact same hello.

cal: hello

"what? that doesn't add up. well unless you blocked his number or vice versa." luke said.

"why would i do that? hell, i don't even know how to block or even unblock a number." poor calum was completely confused.

"here, lemme see it." luke said as calum handed him his phone.

luke pressed a few buttons and what not and after a few minutes he was able to find out who calum had blocked.

he only saw one single number.


"here, find michael's number." luke said as he handed calum his phone.

calum scrolled to the m's and read the number out loud to luke.

luke gasped, "it's a match."

"how the hell did that even happen? can you unblock him?" calum asked.

luke nodded and pressed a few more buttons and handed calum back his phone.

"oh god, and the mystery just keeps unraveling." luke said and calum nodded in agreement.


even though i used to NEVER update this book, this is the book that i'm most proud of whoops
word count; 921

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