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beep! beep! beep!

michael was awoken by his blaring alarm clock. he looked at the clock and groaned. he was definitely not a morning person. in fact, he hated mornings.

but he knew he still had to get up and start his day. he crawled out of bed. since he had showered the night before, he didn't have to this morning so he skipped right to getting dressed. choosing an outfit was easy because he usually just wore a band shirt and some black jeans.

once michael was dressed and had his shoes on, he headed into the bathroom to do all of the morning necessities like brushing his teeth and doing his hair and currently his hair is dark red. michael used to hate his hair but then he began dying it and then he started to like it a lot more. he actually loves dying his hair a new color, except for the fact that he's probably going to go bald soon.

after he was finished in the bathroom, michael grabbed his bag and everything else he need for the day ahead and brought them all downstairs. he then placed everything in the couch and then wandered into the kitchen to make him some breakfast.

after just staring aimlessly at the empty cabinets, he decided he would just stop somewhere on his way to school. michael walked back over to the couch picked up his things and walked out of the house, locking the door behind him.

he quickly made his way over to his garage and unlocked it and got into his car. he threw his things into the backseat of the vehicle and drove out of the garage. he stopped the car in the driveway and got out. he walked over to the garage panel and once again locked it. once it was fully shut he made his way back to the drivers seat of his car.

he pulled out of the driveway and continued to drive away. he stopped at the closest mcdonalds to get some breakfast. once it was his turn it took a few minutes for him to decided what to order but in the end he decided in getting some hash browns.

once the person at the window had given him his food, he pulled into a parking spot and parked. he pulled his food from the bag and began to eat.

when he was finished he turned his car back on and began to continue driving to school. after about ten minutes he arrived at mountain grove high.

michael then pulled into a free parking space that was fairly close to the front of the building. when he got out he walked to the side of the car and grabbed his things and then he quickly ran into the school knowing that he only had a few minutes left until he was considered late.

luckily when he got the his first class he made it just in time. he made his way to his seat and when he sat down he noticed a note on his desk.

"meet me during lunch at the table closest to the doors."

at first michael didn't know who it was from until he was tapped on the shoulder by calum and then it clicked, it was from calum.

michael then looked at calum and nodded, giving him a sign that he was going to meet him. calum then give him a small smile.


soon enough lunch came around. michael got his lunch and then followed the note that calum had given him earlier that day. sure enough when michael got there calum was there.

"so, why did you want to meet?" michael asked.

"i wanted to apologize for avoiding you the other day." calum said looking michael into the eyes.

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