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even though ashton was suspended from school, he still drove calum but unfortunately it was like a stop and drop because technically ashton wasn't allowed on school property.

luckily for calum, michael was suspended too so he wouldn't say anything or try to do anything to him and because of that calum was relieved.

but calum still had no idea about those texts that michael and luke kept talking about so calum decided that that he was going to be civil and try to have a conversation with luke.

he was searching for luke all before the first bell rang and thankfully he found hi, near the bathroom stalls, he looked like he was waiting for someone.

"hey, luke. can we talk?"

"why the fuck do you want to talk to me?" luke scoffed.

"about the texts, please." calum begged.

luke shrugged, "what about them?"

"i seriously have no idea what you guys are talking about." calum said.

"calum, you can't just go around the school and fucking lie just to get what you want." luke huffed.

"here, check my phone. i swear to god, i am not lying." calum said as he handed luke his phone.

luke was hesitant but took the phone from calum and went to michael's name on imessage and scrolled through the texts between the two of them.

"see? there's nothing there. luke, i promise i am telling the truth." calum pleaded for luke to believe him.

"you're calling michael a liar? you just deleted them!" luke yelled and calum was now keeping his distance away from luke.

"please, luke. i'm not lying and i'm not calling michael a liar. what can i do to make you believe me?" calum asked.

luke sighed, "you're friends with ashton right?"

calum nodded, "yeah, he's my best friend."

"what's he like?"

"basically everything but he doesn't really like spicy food."

"i'm not talking about food. i'm talking about people." luke muttered.

"oh, he's demisexual."

"what does that mean?"

"it means he doesn't develop attraction unless he has a serious bond with that person." calum explained and luke nodded.

"ask him out for me." luke said.

"what?" calum was very confused.

"see if ashton will go out with me this saturday." luke said.

"and if i do that then you'll believe me?"

luke nodded, ''i will believe you but michael, that's a different story."

"wow okay, i'll see if he's busy on saturday." calum nodded, "and i know michael will be much harder to convince."

"yeah, well that's just how he is. stubborn as a bitch." luke scoffed and calum chuckled.

"yeah, i know." luke stared him down, "i-i didn't mean it in a bad way."

"chill, i'm just fucking with you." luke laughed.

"ha! that's good but i should be heading to first period now so yeah." calum said awkwardly.

"hey calum!" he tuned around, "text me what ashton says; you have my number."

"no i don't." calum said.

luke tossed him back his phone, "you do now."


i finished my book the internet so now this book is my main focus so woot woot

also what is your opinion on luke wanting to hook up with ashton??

anyways hope u enjoyed this chapter

word count; 540

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