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two days later and calum was feeling much better. his bruises had started to heal and he was regaining his strength. but calum still couldn't figure out what happened with his phone and why it wasn't letting him text michael. and why michael didn't text back. but calum didn't let it get to his head, he would just talk to michael about it and then everything would be fine.


when calum got to school he say michael and luke standing in their usual spot because they stand there and wait for everyone so they can walk to class together. calum saw michael and gave him a small smile and a wave.

michael scoffed and as calum started walking towards him, michael quickly turned away. calum gave him a confused look and tapped him on the shoulder. "what do you want?" michael said, in a darker tone than normal.

"what's going on?" calum asked.

"what's going on?" michael repeated, mocking calum. "really, now you're trying to act like you have no idea what's going on."

"but i really don't know what's going on." calum said.

"save it for someone else who cares." michael growled. he then walked past calum pushing him out of his way making calum stumble back a bit.

tears filled calum's eyes as he quickly ran into the bathroom and locked himself into one of the stalls. he didn't know what was going on. yesterday michael was helpful and nice and now it's like he's a totally different person. calum was worried about michael. maybe he needed his space. maybe he'd be back to normal tomorrow.

calum nodded and sniffled and rubbed his eyes. he stayed in the bathroom for a little while longer before heading to his first class. which was science. and calum just happen to sit behind michael. when he got to class michael was at the front of the room talking to the teacher about something.

at first calum didn't know what michael was talking to the teacher about but then the teacher began to speak. "calum get your things and switch with david."

calum nodded and he saw david get up and moved behind michael. calum got his things and moved to where david used to sit, in front of brandon. calum sighed quietly and sat down. he couldn't wait for this day to be over.

calum had most of his classes with michael. but during every class, michael had moved away from calum. calum thought that michael being like this would be a one time thing but apparently not.


soon enough lunch came around. michael, of course, sat somewhere away from calum and luke followed behind him. luke and michael were always closer than michael and ashton so calum wasn't surprised when luke went and ashton stayed.

ashton sat down and sighed. "what happened between you and michael?" calum shrugged. "i don't know. when i got to school i went to talk to him, he yelled and now he's been avoiding me ever since."

"i could talk to him and see what's going on?" ashton suggested. calum nodded. "that'd be nice but if it goes wrong he might bet mad at you and start ignoring you and i don't wanna break up your friendship." calum explained.

ashton sighed then started to speak, "okay, then i'll give him a few days then i'll go and talk to him. okay?" ashton said and calum nodded "okay."


the final bell of the day rung signals that the day was over. calum had left the classroom and was now on the bus, on his way home. it only takes about ten minutes to get to calum's house from the school. when the bus was finally at his stop calum got off and walked to his front door. when he walked in he saw his father sitting on the couch.

(a/n : idk why but i imagine john as john cena. lol)

"how was school?" his father, john asked.

"it was okay."

"anything bad happen? "

"no." calum replied, unsure of where this was going.

"come here." john said, patting the spot on the couch next to him.

calum sat down and his dad began to speak. "who's mike ?"


"who's mike? and why were you trying to get a hold of him?" his father asked.

"mike is, well was, one of my best friends. but i don't think we're friends anymore." calum said sadly.

"just friends ?" calum nodded. "good cause no son of mine is gonna be gay." john said sternly. calum looked down and but his lip. "are you gay?" calum was a terrible liar so he slipped up. "w-w-well no."

"calum, you are a terrible liar and i want you out of my house right now." john said. calum gasped. "w-what ?" calum was confused. "get out of my house right now." calum didn't move, he just stood there in shock.

john looked around the room for something to throw. he grabbed a pillow and threw it at calum's head. it hurt cause it was one of those pillows with those ugly hard beads. calum ducked when john threw the next one. at first calum thought he was joking but then he started to yell. "i said get out of my house!" now calum knew he was serious.

calum quickly grabbed his backpack and ran outside and john followed him. calum ran until john was out of sight. calum slowed down and was breathing slowly cause he was out of breath. once his breathing was back to normal calum pulled out his phone and dialed michael but hung up immediately after.

calum decided to call ashton. his phone was ringing for a few minutes until ashton picked up. "hello." calum let out a sigh of relief. "hi. can you come and pick me up ?" ashton's voice went from calm to a panic. "where are you?" calum told him the address and then ashton said he was on his way.


five minutes later a blue car pulled up and ashton waved. calum walked around to the side and got into the passengers seat. "what happened?" ashton asked as soon as calum was buckled up and he started to drive.

"i got kicked out." calum took a deep breath." my dad found out that i was gay and he wasn't supportive so he told me to get out." calum's voice started to crack. "i didn't know where to go so i called you." calum burst out into tears. "i'm sorry, i panicked and if you don't want to be my friend anymore then i understand." calum said between sobs.

"why wouldn't i want to be your friend anymore? because you're not straight? well guess what neither am i." ashton chuckled and pulled calum into a hug. "i don't care if you're straight, gay or anything else, i'd still want to be your friend." ashton said as they were pulling up into his driveway.

"so you don't mind if i stay with you for a while ?" ashton shook his head. "of course not. you're welcome anytime." ashton assured him. "will your parents mind?" calum asked. ashton shook his head, "i live alone." calum smiled as ashton lead him to the house.


a/n : lol i added some drama cause i love stories with lots of drama
okay so i wanna know whose side are you guys on ?
michael's ?
or calum's ?
let me know in the comments

words ; 1243

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