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(also reminder that calum's parents in the story aren't his actually parents their names are john and carol)


calum had followed his father outside to the car and calum had gotten into the backseat and thrown his things in the floor. the nurse had given him some ice so he had that ice bag resting on his head.

calum's father had gotten into the drivers seat and now was driving the both of them home. calum's dad sighed once they had reached the hood household. "get your stuff and go inside." his father ordered and calum nodded.

once calum was inside, he was about to go upstairs to his room but was stopped but his father yelling. "you got into a fight?" he screamed at calum who's head was now pounding.

(sort of  triggering)
his father grabbed him by the collar and slapped him across the face. calum let out a small yelp and rubbed his face with his hand. "then i have to leave a very important meeting because you got into a fight!" his father yelled louder.

(possibly triggering part over)

"i didn't get into a fight okay?" calum decided he had had enough. "i got beat up." calum screamed. calum nor his father spoke for a minute. it was silent until his father started to yell again. "and you didn't try to stop him?"

"i tried but i wasn't strong enough." now calum sat on the couch bawling his eyes out. he hated that he was weak and couldn't take one person. he felt small and useless. "you think i wanted this to happen?" calum yelled, between sobs. "believe me if. could've stopped him, i would have." calum was now shaking and taking deep breaths in and out and in and out.

"go to your room!" his father demanded, in his normal inside tone. calum decided he was done talking to his father so he listened to him and went upstairs. when he got up there calum pulled out his phone. he clicked on contacts and scrolled through until he was at the m's.

he wavered his finger over michael's contact name. he checked the time. it was 11:37 am. michael was most likely getting ready to go to lunch. since michael was still at school, calum just decided to text michael instead.

cal : text me when you get this xx.

calum clicked the power button to turn off his phone and then he placed it beside him and laid his head down onto his pillow. after a few minutes, calum's pillow was now stained with his tears that were now streaming down his face.

buzz. buzz. calum's phone vibrated, indicated that he had gotten a text, too bad he was fast asleep and didn't notice it.

mike ❤️ : yes , are you okay?

mike ❤️ : what's the matter?

mike ❤️ : please answer me, i'm worried.

even though calum didn't hear the noise, his father did. his father followed the quiet buzzing into calum's room. when he saw that calum was fast asleep, he tiptoed in his room and over to his bed. he saw that calum's phone was going off. he kept on getting texts from someone labeled 'mike ❤️'.

since he knew calum's password, he typed in his password and read through the text messages.

mike ❤️ : calum , please.

mike ❤️ : 2 missed calls.

mike ❤️ : please calum baby. please be okay.

john quickly grabbed calum's phone and went downstairs with it. he sat on the couch and calum had gotten a few more texts from mike.

mike ❤️ : please don't do anything stupid.

mike ❤️ : please answer me.

john was furious. was this "mike" guy calum's boyfriend? he decided to put this to and end once and for all. he decided to text "mike" back.

cal : leave me alone.

mike : what happened ?

cal : you is what happened.

mike : calum, what's gotten into you ?

cal : just leave me alone. i don't want you contacting this number ever again. you might as well just block my number.

five minutes passed and this mike guy stop texting back. finally. john wasn't stupid he knew calum was gonna look so he deleted the conversation. he then tiptoed back upstairs and place calum's phone exactly where it was before. he then left the room quietly going back to doing who knows what.


some times lasses by and calum had just woken up. he rubbed his eyes and grabbed his phone. he looked to see no new messages. he checked the time, it was now 4:53 pm. school was over and he was wondering why michael still hadn't texted him back.

he typed in his password and clicked on the messages app. he click on "mike ❤️ " only to see that his message was read but not answered. calum decided to text him , to make sure he was okay.

cal : are you okay?
message failed to send.

calum was confused for a moment but he just shook he head and tried to type a different message.

cal : what's happening?
message failed to send.

cal : are you alright ?
message failed to send.

calum thought to himself, maybe his messages were broken. he decided to text his sister, mali, too see if it would work.

cal : hey.
message sent.

calum tried michael's number again.

cal : hey.
message failed to send.

calum didn't know what was up, but he knew something was wrong. he just decided that he would talk to michael at school when he went back.


michael couldn't believe what a jerk calum was being. he just wanted to check up on him and then he just went insane. michael was speechless, he thought that him and calum were the best of friends but apparently not.

and too think that michael was falling for calum.


a/n : when i started this chapter, i was just gonna wing it but it turned out pretty okay to me
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words ; 997

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