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the next day at school calum was extremely nervous to see michael. he thought michael would try to start something like he did the other day. calum actually liked michael, a lot, well before he started going all psycho on him.

calum couldn't help but feel extremely bad, like it was his fault but he didn't know how but he was convinced that it was. deep down inside, calum's gut was telling him to go and talk to michael but his head was telling him no.

honestly he had no idea what he wanted to do. whenever he thought about michael he just wanted to curl up into a ball and cry forever. michael was one of his friends and calum couldn't think of anything that he did that would make michael angry.

in fact, calum was nothing but nice to michael. he was extremely nice because calum wanted to be his friend but apparently michael thought otherwise. ashton was very sweet to him during this whole scene that michael was causing.

ashton was nice enought to let calum basically move in with him since calum got kicked out. at first calum was very nervous and scared to tell ashton but eventually he eased up to him and told him everything that had happened.

calum was a bit emotional so he broke out into tears while he was telling his story. ashton could tell that calum was about to cry before he even did. his coice was cracking and ashton. ould see tears in his eyes.

while calum was sobbing about his life, he thought of michael. he missed him. whenever he used to get sad he would just talk to michael about his problems and he would help him fix them but not now.

calum couldn't help but sob even more about the thought of michael. oh how calum missed him. he wished he could figure out why michael suddenly hated him. ashton tried to help calum get over him but everything calum did reminded him of michael.

michael was supposed to help him. michael was supposed to be his friend but no. michael hates him. michael doesn't want anything to do with him. michael doesn't even want to be in calum's field of vision but here he is.


calum was at his locker getting some books and other things for his next class when he felt a hand on his shoulder. he jumped a little bit in surprise and turned around.

"oh, sorry. did i scare you?"

"no," calum said, "well yes. a little bit."

"well sorry about that."

"what do you want?" calum scoffed.

"to talk." the taller boy said.

"about what?"

"you and michael."

"go away, luke." calum said as he tried to push past him.

"calum, can you calm down for a minute. i'm just trying to figure this whole thing out, just like you." luke said, rather calmly.

"okay, go on."

"why?" luke asked.

"why what?"

"why were you such a jerk to michael?" luke demanded to know.

"what are you even talking about?" calum asked, confused.

"don't play dumb, michael showed me the texts." luke huffed.

"luke, i-i'm not playing dumb. i really have no idea what you're talking about." calum stuttered.

"yeah, sure." luke rolled his eyes, "you don't have to lie calum. i just want to know why you were being a dick to my best friend."

"luke, i'm not kidding. i seriously don't know what you're talking about."

"you know what? you're not even worth it." luke said as he pushed calum out of the way.

calum gulped and ran, he needed to find ashton.


"ashton! there you are! i've been looking for you everywhere." calum said, out of breath.

"sorry 'bout that. what do you need? and why are you all out of breath?" ashton asked concernedly.

"i was looking for you and i just had a talk with someone."

"michael? calum, i told you-" calum interrupted him.

"no, luke. he said michael showed him some texts of me supposedly being a jerk to him and i told him i didn't know what he was talking about and he basically told me off." calum said.

"what do you think he could be talking about?" ashton asked.

calum shooke his head, "no clue."

"want me to try to talk to him and michael and see what's up?"

calum nodded, "that would be appreciated. thank you."

ashton, michael and luke were all best friends before calum came along so he thought it would be easy for ashton to talk to michael but boy oh boy was he wrong.


woot woot i am back
also sorry for the cliff hanger whoops

words; 782

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