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since it was saturday and michael was off of work, he decided to text calum.

mike : hey

cal : hi

mike : wanna hang out? maybe we could go for a walk or something?

cal : sure, when?

mike : what about 4? today?

cal : sure, see you then

after calum and michael had made plans for the day, michael decided he would start getting ready since it was already 3pm and michael was still in bed. after michael had finally gotten out of bed he needed to shower.

once he was finished in the shower, he trotted back into his room and started to debate on what he was going to wear. after a few minutes of looking at the same shirts and pants he decided on black skinny jeans, a gray shirt with a design on it, he threw on a red and white flannel, and he paired the outfit with some black high top converse.


unlike michael, calum was already up and dressed. he wore black skinny jeans, a black short sleeve button up and he had paired it all with some black high top converse. since it was now 3:30pm calum had decided to finish getting ready. he had to do his hair and finish doing anything else he had forgotten to do.

(AN : their outfits are pictured at the top/side)

after calum was completely finished getting ready, he walked outside and walked across the street to michael's house. when calum arrived michael greeted him with a smile and welcomed him.

"so, you ready for that walk?" michael asked looking calum up and down while calum nodded.

"we could walk around to the park and get to know each other better." calum suggested and michael agreed.

as soon as they began walking down the street, the questions had started.

"ok um, you go first." michael told calum.

"ok, birthday?" calum asked.

"november, 20th. what about you?"

"january, 25th. your turn." calum stated.

"favorite color?" michael asked.

"light blue, like baby blue." calum said. "you?"

"red." michael answered back. "dream job?"

"um, probably a musician but i'm not really sure." calum said shyly.

"same." michael said, then sighed.

by that time they had made it to the park and michael had found a nice little bench that was unoccupied. calum followed michael to the bench, where they finished the questions.

"cat or dog?" michael asked.

"dog but i like cats too, i'm just more of a dog person." calum said, his attention on the beautiful flowers surrounding the trees that were surrounding the bench.

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