s i x t e e n

243 7 0

*trigger warning*

be safe and read at your own risk


calum took a deep breath and followed luke, while ashton followed closely behind them. luke was leading the two older boys to michael because calum wanted to bury the whole text thing once and for all.

"michael, i know you don't want to hear what i have to say but please listen." calum pleaded as michael turned around to face him.

michael made eye contact with luke and luke nodded as a way of saying that he should hear calum out.

michael scoffed but then gave calum a small nod, "you have three minutes."

"michael, you have to believe me. i swear to god, i did not send those texts."

michael chuckled, "and why should i believe you?"

calum took out his phone, "because apparently you've been blocked since may 23rd and it's may 22nd now."

"wait? march 23rd?" michael asked.

calum nodded.

"wasn't that the day you went home early?" michael questioned.

calum thought for a minute then nodded, "i remember i went home and my dad got really angry at me because he had to come and pick me up so i told you to text me as soon as possible and then i must've accidentally fallen alseep and my dad was the only other one home."

michael pulled out his phone, "i remember that. i was in class when i got that text so i sneaked my phone out and texted you back and you were a complete fucking asshole to me."

"hold on a minute." calum said as he scrolled through his messages with michael, "the last text that i sent to you before i fell asleep is g-"

calum's eyes widened.

"what just happened?"

"holy shit, i think i know what happened." calum said.


"did you take my phone and text my friend nasty things and then delete them while i was sleeping?" calum yelled as he barged into his house.

his dad got up from his chair, "i thought i told you to never come back here!"

"i don't give a shit about what you told me. did you or did you not take my phone while i was sleeping and send nasty texts to my friend?" calum demanded to know.

his father, john, laughed, "of course i did. that's what your fucking boyfriend deserves for turning my son gay."

"michael didn't make me gay!" calum screamed, he was absolutely furious now. "i made that decision on my own! michael did not deserve that, you homophobic piece of shit!" calum was basically in tears now from yelling so much.

"get the fuck out of my house you fucking disgrace!" john screamed as he threw a picture frame at calum and just barely missed his head.

john was not running full speed towards calum and was now throwing his fists at calum. calum tired to fight back but unfortunately john was far too strong. so calum had to resort to plan b; run for it.

calum fumbled with the door, for he couldn't get it open because john's grip on the door was unexpectedly stronger than calum had assumed. calum pleaded for john to stop but he showed no mercy.

good thing calum had planned for michael to come into the house with him or else who knows what would've happened.

michael ran into the living room, aiming for john. he was using all of his strength to push john off, but not hit him but god did michael want to hit him. he wanted to punch him to fucking badly but he restrained himself, for calum's sake.

michael managed to hold john off just long enough for calum to finally open the door.
michale and calum ran out of the house and john ran after them. unfortunately for john, calum had thought ahead and had told luke and ashton to call the cops and had them wait outside for john to act.

four policemen chased after john as he tried to run back into the house but apparently one of them had a taser and was able to tase john, making him stop in his tracks.

the policemen all ran after him to put him in handcuffs. they picked him up and dragged him to the police car and shoved him into the back seat.

meanwhile, luke and ashton catered for michael and calum. luke amd ashtom helped the two other boys clean up. calum had a black eye and was bleeding on mutiple parts of his face. michael, on the other hand, had injured his hand from pushing john away.

"i think it might be sprained." ashton observed and luke nodded in agreement.

"thank you, officers for coming to the rescue when i needed it the most." calum smiled and they smiled back.

"glad we could help."

"and thank you for putting that asshole behind bars, where he belongs." michael added.

"just doing our job."

the four boys waved goodbye to the policemen as they drove away with john.

"finally taking that fucker where he belongs." michael said.

"yeah." calum said.

"calum, i am so so sorry that i blamed you for sending those texts. i'm sorry for completely ignoring you and being such a dickhead to you for the past couple of weeks. i understand if you don't forgive me but i just want to say from the of my heart, i am sorry." michael said.

"it's okay, i-" calum started but michael cut him off.

"that's the thing, it's not okay. calum, that is far from okay." michael said seriously.

calum nodded, "michael, i forgive you."

michael opened his arms for a hug and calum accepted pulling him into a big hug.

"calum, i am so sorry for being such an asshole to you when i didn't know the full story. i hope that you can forgive me." luke added on.

calum nodded again, "i forgive you too."

"thank you." luke said.

michael and calum hugged once more, "so does this mean the four of us are friends again?"

calum looked at ashton for his answer, "if calum is okay with you guys then i'm okay with you guys."

michael smiled as the four boys went into a group hug.


lmao talk abt basic at the end

also frick john

ps the four amigos made up ayy

word count; 1059

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