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- twenty years later -

"carter! hurry up or you're gonna be late for the first day of school!" michael hollered from the bottom of the stairs.

"jeez, if he doesn't hurry up then he's gonna be late for his first day of high school." calum muttered to his husband, michael.

"gosh, i know. this is all he's been talking about for weeks." michael added and calum nodded in response.

carter came rushing down the stairs with one shoe on his foot, untied and the other one in his hand and his book bag slung over his shoulder.

"sorry, sorry, sorry. i overslept."

calum chuckled, "we know."

"c'mon and put your other shoe on." michael urged him.

carter nodded and sat down on the couch. he began to tie his shoe and slip on his other one.

"ok, i'm ready." carter said as he stood back up and threw his book bag over his shoulder and showed his dads a big smile.

calum and michael started to fake cry simultaneously.

carter sighed, "stop, you guys are gonna embarrass me."

"it's just that my first son is starting high school and soon you'll be going off to college and your dad and i aren't ready for that." calum said through his fake sobs.

"don't worry, i'll be fine. alex with be there with me." carter said cheerfully, "literally, we have the same schedule."

"good." michael said as he smiled.

"okay, lemme take some pictures and then you can go meet alex." calum said as he pulled out his phone and began taking pictures.

"okay all done." michael said as he pulled calum and carter in for a group hug.

"alex should be at the bus stop already." calum said as they pulled apart.

"have fun! we love you!" michael yelled.

"i love you guys too. see you after school." carter said as walked out the door.

calum and michael followed him onto the porch only to see luke and ashton saying their goodbyes and good luck's to their son, alex.

"i know, i know. i'll try to be good. see you guys later." alex said as he ran up to carter so they could walk to the bus stop together.

ashton looked over to michael, "they grow up so fast!"

both michael and calum nodded in agreement.

"oh, i miss him already." luke said.

calum and michael watched as the bus pulled up to the stop and carter and alex got onto the bus. they waved goodbye and the four adults starting bawling their eyes out.


a/n: yeet so this is the end

i hope you guys enjoyed it

also if u were confused alex is ashton and luke's son and carter is michael and calum's son and it was their first day of high school so yeah

anyways thank you for reading

words; 473

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