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soon enough friday rolled around. calum and ashton were getting ready; putting on decently nice clothes and trying to look appropriate.

the four boys decided that they would meet up at the movies so around seven thirty-five ashton and calum began on their way to the theater.

"hey, calum?" ashton asked.

calum looked up, "yeah?"

"can you text mike and tel, him that we're on the way?"

calum nodded, "sure thing."


cal💘: we're on our way

mike💖: so are we

cal💘: okay see you there


"they're on the way too." calum said.

"okie dokie." ashton nodded.


ashton pulled into the parking spot next to michael's car and the two boys got out. michael held his arms out and embraced calum into a hug and ashton did a similar thing for luke.

"let's go inside, yeah?" michael nodded towards the door as he took calum's hand.

"yeah." luke said as he grabbed ashton's hand and followed michael and calum.

the four of the boys walked into the theater and up to the people selling the tickets, "uh, four tickets for pirates of the caribbean please." ashton said.

he looked at the four of them in disgust, "i can't give you guys any tickets."

"may i ask why?" michael asked.

"because this theater is for straight people only, not sinners like you." he scoffed.

"um, what now?" ashton asked.

"i said i'm not giving you tickets. you guys are disgusting and i want you to leave immediately." the guy said harshly.

ashton could tell that michael was getting extremely angry so he decided to step in, "just give us the tickets and then we'll be out of your hair." ashton smiled.

"i said get the fuck out of my theater and take your pretty little boyfriend with you." he looked directly at luke and smirked.

"ok that's it." ashton sighed as he leaped over the counter and swung at the guy.

"ashton!" michael screamed as him and calum tried to pull ashton off but he was much stronger than he looked.

"ashton! stop!" calum yelled.

luke stared at ashton, "ashton stop!"

ashton heard luke's voice and he looked back at him and stopped. he hopped back over the counter and started walking away from the ticket booth.

"lets get out of here." ashton said.

michael, calum and luke were all shocked. ashton is acting like he did not just literally get into a fist fight. the three younger boys didn't want to set ashton off again so they all followed him to their cars.


back at ashton's house, they all sat around ashton in the living room. none of them had said anything since the little incident at the theater.

ashton stood up, "guys, i'm really sorry. i'm just tired of seeing the homophobes everywhere and we just just going to see a movie and, uh, i ruined everything. i'm sorry."

he had tears in his eyes now and luke hugged him in an attempt to comfort him.

michael turned to ashton, "ashton, you think we're not tired of all the hate too? we are. we hate the homophobes just as much as you do but some people are just like that and you can't just go around fighting people if they don't like you."

ashton nodded, "i know that. i just wanted all of us to go out and have a nice date but i ruined it all."

luke looked up, "the night isn't ruined, just the movie idea." ashton looked at him with a sad face, "no offense, ashton."

"what can we do instead then?" calum asked.

"we could go to a dinner or something. i mean, if you guys want to." ashton suggested.

"none of us are dressed for it." calum pointed out.

"it doesn't have to be fancy." ashton added.

luke shrugged, "could be fun."

"i'm in." michael said and calum nodded in agreement.

"let's go then. i know this place that we could go to." ashton said.

and with that the four of them all piled into their cars. luke went with ashton and calum went with michael.


a/n: ayy im almost done with this book lmao
the next chapter is the last one (excluding the epilogue)
but anyways i hope you guys enjoyed this chapter:)

word count; 714

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