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michael pushed his hair out of his eyes and wondered why calum had ran off since they still had a good five minutes until they were considered late.

michael began walking to his first class which was science and calum just happens to sit behind him.

when michael made it inside the room he walked to the third row, where his seat was, and sat down. when michael turned around he was face to face with calum.

"why'd you run away back there?" michael asked calum.

calum looked up, shrugged and then looked back down at his paper.

"hey, do you-" was all michael got to say before the teacher came in.

calum shushed him and whispered "no talking."

michael was about to ignore him but decided that he was right and michael couldn't afford to get another detention. so he decided that he would talk to calum when the class was over.


after class was over michael rushed up out of his seat to find calum but he was already gone. deep down inside michael wondered if maybe calum secretly hated him. well that would explain why he keeps running away. michael then realized that he only had a few minutes to get to his next class, which was on the other side of the building, so he rushed down the halls.

soon enough michael was making his way to his table during lunch. when he sat down he was greeted by his friends, luke and ashton.

"hey, how's it going?" luke asked.

michael shrugged. "pretty good, i guess."

"michael," ashton sighed. "what's the matter?"

"well, there is this one person who keeps on avoiding me and rushing off when they see me and i don't know why."

"well why do you even care if this person is avoiding you?" luke asked as he took a bite of his sandwich.

"yeah, you usually couldn't care less if people avoid you? so what's the difference now?" ashton added in response to luke.

"i don- never mind." michael said looking down at the ground.

"uh, well okay then." ashton said and luke looked at him and shrugged.

after the small talk luke and ashton went back to eating their meal and talking to each other as michael sat in silence.


after the school day had ended, michael drove to his job at the record store. even though michael was quite lazy and hated working, he loved his job at the record store.

michael doesn't recognize most of the people at the record store but he was surprised when he heard the bell ding and when he looked up he was not expecting to see calum walking into the store.

michael tried to keep his head down, knowing that calum didn't want to interact with him. but michael forgot that he was the only one working today.

calum walked over to the albums and stopped for a moment and picked one up. michael could see calum's eyes light up. calum decided that he was going to buy the album so he put it in his basket and kept on browsing through.

after about five minutes of calum browsing, he decided that he was finished so he walked over to the cashier, who just happened to be michael but calum didn't recognize him at first because he was too busy looking down at the albums he was going to purchase.

michael thought that he was just going to scan the albums calum had bought, calum would pay and then calum would leave the store but no.

it was completely silent for a moment, being just the two of them in the entire store, but them calum spoke up. "hey, i didn't know that you worked here."

michael looked up at calum. "yeah, i've been working here for about two and a half months."

"oh. that's nice i guess." calum said quietly.

"yeah, i like working here." michael said with a small smile. "well, your total will be $10.29."

(A/N: i'm american and i'm imagining them living in the US so that's why they're using american money.)

calum nodded and handed michael the money and then michael handed calum the bag of albums that calum had just purchased.

"goodbye." michael said as he waved as calum turned around and started walking to the door.

calum was the last customer before they had to close up for the day. so after calum left michael locked up the cash register, went into the back to grab his things, turned out the lights then went out the door and locked it behind him.


when michael pulled up into the driveway, he sighed. he was confused because at the school calum would ignore him but at the shop calum actually talked to him and they sort of had a conversation.

he decided it didn't really matter that much so he got out of the car and made his way to the trunk. he opened it and got his belongings and slammed it closed behind him.

michael opened his front door he walked into the living room and set his stuff down and then went into the kitchen to make him some dinner.


after michael was finished eating he placed his dishes into the sink and made his way upstairs. he went into his bedroom and grabbed some of his pajamas from the drawer. once he was fully clothed in his pajamas he went back downstairs.

he walked into the kitchen again but this time it wasn't to cook, it was to make some tea. he thinks that tea is a calming drink and it makes him more relaxed. after he made his tea he went into the living room and turned on the tv.

after about thirty minutes michael got up and placed his mug into the sink. he rubbed his eyes and then yawned. he decided it was pretty late so he walked upstairs and snuggled into his bed and soon he was fast asleep.

okay so i'm really liking how this book is turning out and in my opinion
i prefer this one to the original version.
so what do you think?
do you guys have any feedback for me?
i hope you are enjoying this book
and don't forget to vote and comment if you liked it

word count ; 1057

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