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once ashton was done giving calum a tour of the place they sat down in the living room. calum was lucky to have a friend like ashton and he was super lucky that ashton was nice enough to let him stay with him since his dad is not supportive of the people he chooses to love.

"thank you again for letting me stay at your place." calum said.

"it is no problem. friends help friends. and that's likes the fifth time you've thanked me." ashton stated.

"i just realized that i don't have anything with me. just my book bag and what i'm wearing right now." calum said looking down at the ground.

"it's fine. i can just let you use some of my stuff." ashton assured him and calum smiled.

"thank you ashton." calum said and ashton pulled him into a hug.


"ashton, you said earlier that you aren't straight. what are you? " calum asked.

"well, i'm demisexual."

calum looked confused, "what does that mean?"

"it means that i don't develop a sexual attraction towards someone unless i form a strong connections or bond with them." ashton replied.

"oh okay. that makes more sense." calum nodded.

ashton broke the silence, "what do you want for dinner? pizza? "

calum nodded. "pizza sounds nice."

"okay, i'll order some. what do you like?" ashton asked.

"i like cheese."

ashton nodded and pulled his phone out of his back pocket and typed in the pizza number and ordered one cheese pizza and one pepperoni pizza.


about fifteen minutes later, ashton heard a knock on his door. he got up and sprinted do the door to get the pizza. he slowly opened the door only to see michael clifford standing there with two boxes of pizza in his hand.

"you're the pizza guy?" ashton was surprised.

michael nodded.

"what's wrong?" calum asked and walked up to the door next to ashton.

"oh, it's you." calum's heart sunk. he did not expect to see michael as the delivery boy.

"what's going on?" michael asked when he saw calum calum to the door.

"none of your business." ashton said. "how much for the pizzas ?"

"$16.11." ashton nodded and pulled out his wallet and handed michael a twenty. a few moments later michael gave ashton the change.

once ashton had his change he shut the door right before michael could say anything else. he was aware of what had happened at school. michael was being a jerk for no reason.

ashton waited until michael was completely out of sight before he placed the pizzas down. calum grabbed the plates off of the counter and handed one to ashton and got one for himself then he sat down at the table. "what anything to drink?" calum nodded. "water please."

ashton got calum a glass of water before sitting down himself. he passed the cheese box to calum while taking the pepperoni box for himself. "how much do i owe you for the pizza?" calum asked while taking out his wallet.

ashton shook his head. "nothing. it was on me."

"but i feel bad, you just spent your money on me. let me pay you back." once again ashton shook his head. "my treat."

calum took out a twenty and slide at across the table to ashton. "i'm not taking your money, calum." then ashton slid the money right back to calum.

after a while calum finally gave in while taking another bite of his pizza. after that dinner was quiet while the both of them ate one after another.


once they were both finished , they put on their pajamas and then headed to the couch. "wanna watch a movie?" ashton suggested and calum nodded.

"what movie do you want to watch?" calum asked.

"hmm. what about the bee movie?" ashton suggested.

"okay." calum smiled and then nodded.

they only got about thirty minutes into the movie before calum had, fallen asleep. his head was now laying against ashton's chest. ashton started at him. calum looked so peaceful. not long after that ashton had fallen asleep as well.


a / n : okay so i'm gonna start making the chapters shorter
( about 3-4 pages instead of 6 cause i'm lazy lol )

words ; 704

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